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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. USA 80 was the biggest upset/best game played in my life but this Bemont may be the most incredible. Insert a horse halfway in between Secretariat and the others and that horse would have run the 2nd best mile and a half ever. Crazy.
  2. If only everyone smoked a lot of doobage we wouldn't need a web site. I saw one of the press conferences and after a deluge of info from a number of experts, the first question was whether the Prez would halt campaign rallies.
  3. I remember seeing Rodney Harrison deliver a blatant and absolutely viscous head shot on him at mid-field of a Bills home game on an uncatchable ball. 100 % targeting. I'm sure it's not the only hit he took but if it wasn't the worst I shudder to think what might have been.
  4. Why not just deduct the fees from the millions and release a little less?
  5. Stihl going to chop you up into little bits if they ever find you?
  6. WWSDD What would San Diego do? I'm sure she knows her way around a chainsaw.
  7. Steer clear. I don't trust my own aim with one of those things and I'm never even stoned. Hold it at the wrong angle and all hell could break loose.
  8. The use of the words need and want in that tweet or whatever it was is classic.
  9. Those Cadbury mini chocolate egg thingies with the shell? I knew it.
  10. Obviously we don't know for sure but that lab being right there makes more sense to me than anything else. I also doubt it was intentional but commies are morons and this is like a Chinese Chernobyl. Side note:. I think the theory about the bat was that someone humped one, not ate it. Way back in the other thread there was a picture of a bat confined spread eagle in netting, in some sort of weird ritual. There are some sick people in this world.
  11. You might really need to re-watch if you think he "went after Anita Hill".
  12. No comment on the ridiculous content? Occum's Shaver has one? Wanna hear it?
  13. Veronica Jackson and Slash from Guns and Roses
  14. Sabres ahead of the curve when they suspended their season at the All Star break.
  15. What about you boy Xi? We should be just like that.
  16. The two hour press daily press conference doesn't cover that?
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