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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Restraint of trade laws are in place and take precedent of individual industries or businesses. They apply to all sports, not just baseball.
  2. Who is the Kristen Bell girl?
  3. Those are the NFL add ons. I know it's the law though because the Cardinals lost to the Giants because they really didn't have a good third baseman which is why they picked him up on waivers in the first place.
  4. Maybe they are the virus. I gotta get me some Roddy Piper sunglasses.
  5. He was on the Bills and came back. I remember a guy the Cards picked up in September one year and he helped them make the playoffs but couldn't play in against the Giants in the playoffs.
  6. IIRC it's some sort of restraint of trade law.
  7. If you pick someone up on waivers after September 1st they can't play in the playoffs.
  8. Aliens still steering clear of the virus. It's easy for them because they don't exist.
  9. Prediction: Same thing will happen with lock workers fighting over Asian carp.
  10. Which mask is a birthday mask? Thoroughbred? Clydesdale? Pony?
  11. Wow what a ridiculous amount of unwarranted and convoluted abuse this guy and Star take. Penny is sort of random though. Why not the slot corner from Detroit? A linebacker from the Giants? Backup long snapper from the Raiders?
  12. Personally I don't think so. Most of those guys went to Brazil or Ecuador. I know the one guy went to Ohio and that's pretty bad but Delaware? I think he would have just committed Harry Carey. Everything else adds up though.
  13. If we could only find a way to have Ricky Henderson play QB for the Colts a Colonel Ricky Henderson Twitter would be the best of both worlds.
  14. Chopping up babies and selling their parts is cool as long as it is a break even proposition?
  15. I thought openly about it and think communists fall into the following categories: Power hungry despots Pot infused hippies that never left the 60s Dupes aplenty and mostly People who value thinking and talking about something over doing something
  16. You're right commies are great. I mean China isn't commie. I mean.....well.....I'm confused; can you tell me what I'm supposed to think?
  17. No offense? You agreed with a guy that wished people dead and further clarified who you thought should die.
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