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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It's good and it's really meant to be watched in whole. When you get time....
  2. I'm very sorry to hear this. May he rest in peace.
  3. To be fair saying it wasn't an actor didn't actually eliminate Jeff Goldblum. I'll stick with the UFO theme and pick Carl Sagan. Edit:. Oops. I don't think Sagan played poker with Tony.
  4. Crickets on the math video though?
  5. If Brady and Edelman's virtual heads got smashed into the virtual ground on virtually every play, I'd watch.
  6. They aren't going to catch up with NYC next week because they aren't on top of each other.
  7. NYC and upstate are two different animals. To expect the infection rate Upstate to be anything close to NYC is not realistic. UpstTe resembles Indiana more than it does NYC.
  8. It was good until the end when he snapped his fingers and all the deer dropped dead. That part made no sense.
  9. Next week Jason Bottrill's 3 year run of social distancing from any viable forward will be documented in a similar video and cited as an example to us all.
  10. If they smoke more pot will they become scientific enough to communize and solve the climate or will they just become immune to the virus and still be dumb about the climate?
  11. I don't know if we're almost there or not. I do know that if a single person dies after Trump recommends getting back to work, it will be laid at his doorstep as if he were a murderer and that person's story will be told until early November. Not yet, but at some point, he could be accused of waiting too long and causing a longer crisis than necessary. It's all a game to some of these "people" in Washington. 100% of it.
  12. Well Bama's defense was pretty good and he ran over two of them without any blockers to finish that game.
  13. The little girl that plays Judith kills every scene.
  14. If you don't feel your job is relevant you should probably seek a new one. I'd first suggest taking a deeper look at what you do because most, if not all jobs are relevant in at least some way. You may not want to start down a new path until you're sure your current one is truly irrelevant.
  15. Football has a loophole because their playoffs start in the new calendar year.
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