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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I’m not at all saying Watson WILL bounce back but the other poster wrote as if it were established fact that he is done. Silly. Then he backpedaled about Richardson. What would he have said about the Texans QB situation 365 days ago? The bottom line is that some things are unknown and that’s just the way it is. I’m no fan of Watson but people being angry at him does not cause their desires for his career trajectory to magically manifest.
  2. Shirley you can’t be serious stating as fact that Watson’s productive career is over. Shirley you can’t be serious in pretending that Wilson has a better chance at resurgence than Watson. And Shirley you can’t be serious completely writing off Richardson after a few games.
  3. A little crow eating for me. Rengifo had a red flag with a wrist injury which may been why the Yanks went for shiny object Chisholm instead. Totally understandable and if so it turned out correct because Rengifo had a recurrence and is gone for the year.
  4. Plus the conversations alone netted them a comp pick.
  5. Did Caleb cry to his mommy yet or are they saving that for the season finale?
  6. Nothing to do with her questions for me. It’s her whole I’m cute look at me act. In this particular interview it was the ridiculous glasses. When she was first on she seemed genuine. Gradually she added one more cute quirk and one more cute quirk and another cute quirk. She added so many that now she is 100% phony baloney.
  7. She has evolved from a refreshing normal person to an insufferable act.
  8. Geese always create a lot of spots. Mostly on golf courses.
  9. It looks to me like they got super easy. The kicker is by himself. If he kicks it more than 10 years there is no way the other team can get there in time. Games are going to suck because in the first half one team will have the ball the whole time if they can keep scoring and the second half the other team will be in the same boat. Many fewer punts and 4th stops will be even more important than they already were. The NFL does some stupid stuff.
  10. Just slide an Asian carp under the door. He will come out screaming and flee and you’ll have the run of the place.
  11. Lol the guy messed up big. He screwed around with th Secret Service…..the world’s most diligent, observant and organized team of…….oh, wait.
  12. He picks fights all the time. Oh no wait, that’s you.
  13. Pees too much and might have to take plays off for bathroom breaks.
  14. No but let’s accuse him of it anyway.
  15. Spin away but it is bad news for your team as he is one of your best players. I hope he stays healthy. Football is less important than health.
  16. They show him on the bench in game two. Gigundous black eye and his left eye only half open.
  17. Bob Kendrick on the Royals broadcast today. The guy is an absolute gem.
  18. The more Joe Brady speaks the more I think thread consolidation is in order. Perhaps a title of “OC’s Claptrap”.
  19. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand of course. ELL oh Ell
  20. Elfin is decent and makes sense. Not a world beater and can’t get Soto out. The Dominguez/Hays trade was a coup for both teams. Each profiles better in the park/situation they are entering. An old fashion trade. Maybe they face each other at a pivotal moment in game 7. Would be fun. Elfin is decent and makes sense. Not a world beater and can’t get Soto out. The Dominguez/Hays trade was a coup for both teams. Each profiles better in the park/situation they are entering. An old fashion trade. Maybe they face each other at a pivotal moment in game 7. Would be fun.
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