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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The shiny object brigade knows no borders.
  2. If the Bills pick eleven free safeties like that thing predicts, this board is going to be absolute bedlam.
  3. It’s not irrelevant at all. Sometimes even when math doesn’t technically prove something by the strict definition of “proof”, it leaves such minuscule doubt as to the actual truth that the practicality of the matter is proven in all but the most technical sense. The guy/geek explains this in simple terms starting at 25:22. His explanation parallels the possibility of aliens existing.
  4. The part of the article where the mom wonders aloud what would have happened to her if she was drunk, ran into Reid’s car and injured Reid’s kid, is particularly thought provoking. I think the answer is obvious. And the DA can say all she wants about not accepting the plea agreement if she knew it would be commuted. 3 years, even if fully served, was never enough for this dirt bag.
  5. It’s pretty geeky, I’ll grant you that. But it is math.
  6. Hey dude you seem like a smart guy. A real business man type. I have a buddy in Brooklyn who is getting divorced and wants to make sure his wife doesn’t get a lot of money. He needs to sell his bridge. Super cheap. You in? Just in time to get tanked at a Halloween party and drive home.
  7. This could have waited until at least……oh never mind.
  8. Starting at 25:22. Listen to the two geeks talking to each other.
  9. A little deep dive research if you’re so inclined. It has not and probably cannot be proven that an odd perfect number doesn’t exist……but an odd perfect number doesn’t exist. The whole video is fun but if you want the math that pertains to this topic you can skip to 25:22. Basically the same type of stuff that the silliness around aliens revolves.
  10. Although true that is only part of the story. The harm done to this child was done by someone with no self control, and clearly no conscience. The governor, however corrupt, would not have had to commute anything if this scumbag hadn’t gotten drunk and ruined a 5 year old kid’s life.
  11. OBJ? Shirley Ridley? I’ll bet that he……oh wait he already bet on that no then he dropped his phone……again Boyd? That will be interesting.
  12. An MRI machine will soon determine whether the Yankees 2024 season will 1. disappoint due to unrealistic expectations or 2. comically flail about in a hysterically hopeless downward spiral all year Personally I hope Cole checks out well. He’s a great pitcher if a bit of a b word. It would be a shame to see yet another top guy go down with an elbow.
  13. Complete hunch. I have no idea on their team needs: Vikings
  14. Less than the one read noodle armed label. That one’s here to stay. I predict Pat Mahomes and the Cjhiefs never even finish in the top three of the AFC East.
  15. Opposite of the other thread. Where will AJ Epenesa land. You can guess any team including Buffalo.
  16. They should have a reverse comp pick……lose a 3rd…..for shedding Jimmy G.
  17. Did the Niners lose Rice and Montana? They got FIVE comp picks.
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