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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Geez giant head McCarthy sit a little further away from the camera dude.
  2. They still have Gase so I don't care who they get.
  3. He talks to his staff? For motivation? Oh wait, which staff are you talking about?
  4. I just thought it was broadly predictable even if specifics like face pooping weren't. There wasn't a lot of nuance. The dubbing wasn't too bad but didn't help.
  5. Well Fergy is posting his mock on Saturday night and I think he has a chance.
  6. If correct that 99% go out every 4 picks that leave 10k people after 4, 100 after 8 and just one after 12. That makes my 17-18 guess a bad one. I'd guess that even 12 might be a stretch because the very top is probably easier than the next tier and so on. It it would be a pretty cool contest for DraftKings or someone to set up. Everyone throws in $1 and the last man standing takes all.
  7. If the top 1 million fans entered a survivor pool of sorts using the draft, how many picks would it take to eliminate 999,999 of them? Could even one in a million nail the entire first round? I'd say probably not even close. My guess is the furthest anyone would get would be 17 or 18.
  8. How would Cooper react if we came up with the vaccine and decided China got it last? Just a hunch he'd be against that. But if China puts us last, it's their prerogative. What if China invents sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads and sells them to Dr. Evil? Then we're really screwed.
  9. I saw @Gene Frenkle drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vic's and his hair was....oh, wait.
  10. Yes because the framers were very much living in the moment. They gave no thought at all to the past or the future while framing.
  11. You don't get it. You're supposed to let the lefties twist your words and define the narrative,
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