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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. It's impossible in Florida to mail, FedEx or electronically send play books.
  2. The telling part of the OP is that Cuomo has a say and has already chimed in. This will be a major cluster **** because there is no way all of the governors in States with NFL teams will agree to anything uniform. Politics doesn't even really have to come into play, even though it will. Try to get that many people, much less people who want to be in charge of everything, to agree to anything and it will never happen. How many NFL States? NY, NJ, MA, Fla, CA, AZ, Tex, OH, MN, IL, WI, PA, MD, IN, TN, GA, LA, NC, WA, NV, MO, CO, plus DC and I think VA. If you think they'll all agree to a uniform set of rules for everything you are likely mistaken.
  3. It's sitcom math because it was on a sitcom. More comical yet is that the sitcom character used an equation to bolster an argument it actually refutes. And the "UFO" is only U to some. Not to the Pentagon.
  4. The tall unattractive blond chick threw me off.
  5. Drake's equation itself isn't proof of anything. The fact that the equation has a product of zero is what shows aliens don't exist. The shockingly haphazard article you posted had claims that only bolster this, despite trying to do the opposite. If, as the article claims, there are 10s of thousands of civilizations in our galaxy alone, what are the odds that at least one of them is thousands or millions of years ahead of us? Those are are very very high. And yet, no evidence, no signals, no Von Neumann probes, no nothing. There should be lots of all of those things. Except math. Accept math.
  6. Which is most irrational? A. Getting all worked up that the Bills haven't found a UDFA punter B. Believing, despite math, that intelligent aliens could exist. C. Believing that cutting Trent Murphy is the answer to everything.
  7. I'm sure that is Korean for something but it also looks exactly like the bits she'd chop @Joe in Winslow into.
  8. To be fair this isn't anything new. People have been eating the Maple Leafs lunch since the 40s.
  9. That guy's face looks equine so I will guess it is "Mike in Horseheads".
  10. I though Borjaqueez was pretty good in the 2nd half of the season.
  11. I don't know his name but is it the Better Call Saul guy?
  12. To be fair, "dad drowned saving me then my brother got hit by lightning" is pretty friggin said.
  13. Rooting for Griss Matos now after hearing awful stories about people in his family dying.
  14. You'll change that tune quickly if he gets caught in an on camera wardrobe change/malfunction.
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