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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Do they need to be registered to vote to receive this? Do they need to be a citizen? If I identify as a Californian but have never physically lived there, can I get one?
  2. In an interesting twist, ice cream and cheesecake know her as the hello girl.
  3. While I agree that Flynn was railroaded, as of today there are FEWER people charged about 2016 than yesterday. They are still protecting the political class. Glacially slow is false. They'd get lapped by any self respecting glacier and that is by design.
  4. Lol at all the proclaimers of the 12th. Yes, Flynn got off but Beardy McGee and Barr have still done nothing in terms of holding anyone to account. It's a giant joke.
  5. @Joe in Winslow would like you to elaborate on the icy woman with steely eyes. Is she a redhead? Doe she have steely knives to match her steely eyes? Does she Skype?
  6. The NFL has a lot of highly paid professionals. I doubt it is a typo. It would cut down on road trips for most NFL teams big time. We'd be going to Philly and Wah instead of Vegas and Denver. If they do this I hope all teams double up on roadies and home games. 4 weeks of ping ponging back and forth seems dumb.
  7. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Allison Janney in The West Wing. I've never heard of her or seen the show but she was just featured in the Name This Person thread and looks annoying.
  8. Pre-transition Debra Winger?
  9. It says inter-conference. The AFC West is intra-conference. I don't know why we play the NFC twice but there must be some reason. Maybe we play the East again to cut down on travel. That's probably it actually.
  10. Wait a minute. We play NFC teams in weeks 1-4 then again in weeks 11-14? I'm not a fan.
  11. Post transition Allison Janney.
  12. To clear bandwidth for you to watch CCP Lego videos?
  13. Well it's definitely complicated but we can't kneel at the alter of China for the benefit of Starfrigginbuck's.
  14. Just don't identify that way on Skype. Things could get choppy.
  15. Why would someone ask questions when one knows the answers are always the same?
  16. Would it look like the following? S o l u t I o n : C o m m u n I z e
  17. I've seen Botts draft. When does the developing begin? Ideally before Mittlestadt is eligible for Medicare.
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