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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Does that award belong to Tom Brady? Because Dorkus McFiddlestein is Tom's valet.....thus my guess.
  2. Here's how it goes: A few more months of information drops and chatter. If Trump loses it's all over. That's the current plan. If Trump wins then you'll get a little more delay, another set of distractions and cans being kicked down the road for 4 more years. Look back on the board archives to when everyone was excited that such an honest guy like Comey was looking into Hillary's obviously egregiously inept and deceptive plan to hide her emails from public record. Who said "she's in trouble now"? And who took one look at that doofus and started calling him "lap dog Comey"? There is a ton you've found and showed on this board over a long period. A lot of it is in writing and yet not only has nothing been done, but the opposite, like impeachment, is brazenly shoved in our faces. What should happen and what will happen are not the same thing. Even in the most clear cut little segment of all of this, Flynn being railroaded and the prosecution acknowledging the documentation showing it, you have a judge inviting anybody who feels like it to become the new prosecution. They're continuing to shove everything in everyone's face because they can.
  3. I ordered Biils and Sabres masks for Covid. The he Bills mask is cloth and it looks good but the Sabres mask is just a paper bag a la the NO Aints.
  4. I remember when James Comey was painted as the paragon of virtue. How about we let Beardy McGee prove it before we anoint him anything? So far he deserves the "Brien Taylor, Ben Grieve, Tony Mandarich hype sans results" award I the category of government oversight.
  5. I don't know about any of you all but I'm offended that whoever wrote that article thinks I'll be dead before 2300. Not happening.
  6. I try to never use seductive logic regarding anything about Hillary but whatever floats your boat dude.
  7. Mediocre is inaccurate. Murray's ineptitude create a product seven levels below mediocre and Bots has stagnated it. The impact of the virus is the only reason to keep him.
  8. I think there is a David Spade movie coming out on Netflix which I'm sure is the needless suffering he'll warn us about. The death might be the hornets. Getcha popcorn.
  9. But proximity. The song "The Age of Aquarius" tells us what we need to know. And it's peer reviewed by hippies everywhere. And I'm pretty sure the moon is in the seventh house this week so wear your masking even if you're wandering about a desolate land like the Sahara or Canada.
  10. Today could be the day the floodgates open. Check your calendar.
  11. LOL Beardy McGee going full throttle. Someone's lawn is going to have deep donuts on it which is what happens at full throttle while going in circles.
  12. Is it realistic of you to judge people as selfish morons who are putting your life at risk if not all 350 million of them interpret guidelines in the exact manner that you see fit? Or might it be better to avoid the inevitable stress you'll encounter if you see a guy across the street without a mask by staying in your house?
  13. Double blind studies and stuff are only required for thing Trump says.
  14. To be fair he is suggesting you wear a mask. Although I agree with your point of view on social distancing it is hard to disagree with him regarding the side benefits of your face being covered and the impact on trail aesthetics.
  15. What about the astronauts? Proximity is not a precise word at all. The moon is in close proximity to Earth but LA is a long trip from NY. If you're in a grocery store it can be difficult to avoid being within x number of feet from another person. If you are on a hiking trail it is simple.
  16. Oh for the love of Pete. A grocery store is one thing but a hiking trail? If he's not near anyone wtf difference does it make? Should the people in the ISS wear a mask in case they cough and it all rains down on us?
  17. 1. Accurate 2. They don't exist here or anywhere else. Money spent trying to find them is wasted. If they did exist they would be able to hide from us........except math. Accept math. 3. Correct.
  18. Looks more like Huntley to me but I don't think it's either. I'll say Elizabeth Shoe.
  19. They should distract with something more mathematically plausible than aliens like zombie leprechauns.
  20. Did Rick Dennison let Odomes block that kick because he was promised the OC job years later?
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