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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Each individual case is an individual case. We may find information indicating this was racial, personal, birth or neither. The end result is a tragedy as is the rioting response. The ahole cop woke up one morning and by the end of the day started this ball rolling.
  2. If the guy had a heart attack because he panicked because someone had a knee on his neck, the cop still needs the book thrown at him. I get that determining what constitutes "the book" is determined by all of the circumstances. I understand why it took four days. To me if the guy had 7 heart conditions and was high as a kite, the officer's actions still cause his death. The seemingly established fact that he kept kneeling on the guy's neck for almost three minutes after no pulse could be found is something beyond my comprehension.
  3. Just spitballing here. What if the Guard, Cops, FBI, whoever shoot protesters but only protesters committing violence and only white ones. This will send the protestors home without stirring any further racial tension. All we lose are a few commies, hippies and B-Rads. Just an idea. I haven't thought it all the way through.
  4. And the desire to travel through more poop than necessary leads me to believe he was feeling guilty about something and self assigning penance. Maybe he killed his wife after all.
  5. There are two primary reasons: 1. Societies change very slowly. Today's move faster than they did in ancient times but they're still slow. This is sad for individual people; we get about 80 years and while it would be nice to expect everything to be fixed by year 80 it is unrealistic. Individuals can change but not all do. It would be swell to think that a nice conversation could change every bigot into a self actualized fair person but it doesn't. Maybe it could change greedy people into philanthropists or power hungry politicians into altruistic champions. It's unrealistic to expect these things and judging people by those standards does not engender improvements, it causes strife and conflict. People all should be held to the rule of law and judged against that and that alone. Judgement beyond that is the big man's job. 2. Collectivist attempts to force changes to the above have set us back. Whether they are misguided good intentions like the welfare state taking fathers out of homes or charalatans fomenting proletariat revolutions to get power for themselves and strip freedom from people, they are harmful. There are more reasons too but IMO the two above are the top 2. There are still bigots and this cop might be one. Maybe he killed the guy because he was black or maybe he is just an ahole who would have done the same to a white guy. Things like this will happen again. Some will be interpreted correctly as racially based and some will be interpreted incorrectly. Trying to force unreasonable expectations for everything to be daisies and gumdrops because that is a desirable outcome, results in these riots. This does not mean that we should accept events like what happened in Minny. We shouldn't. But the response should be law based and everyone should understand that all responses will always be law based.
  6. Venmo me $2M which gives you a lifetime supply and early entry entry into our multi level marketing structure modeled after the Luxor in Vegas. It's called DeLux which is short for Dendrite Luxor. How many bald friends do you have? How many normal friends?
  7. Don't quit your day job. HairGenie sounds like a cross between a ripoff of a diaper garbage can and some chick curling iron. Hair4GeneGene4Hair has a 3 Musketeers vibe and works GeneGene in the middle so I might claim it improves dancing skills too.
  8. Two Sheas. My first thought was Gene4hair or HairGene but it sounded too targeted. Now I realize Eugene and genetics both shorten to gene and I'm thinking it might be go time.
  9. At least they're going to a doctor. If one savvy marketing department comes out with a product called Grogaine you'll be broke in twenty minutes.
  10. Don't complicate it. Just substitute an unproven but anecdotally successful cure for baldness that doesn't do any harm. WWGFD?
  11. That might not actually be about a gun.
  12. I'll go ahead and recommend "Hinterland" on Netflix. It is a British police drama. Some may see it as a slower moving European Bosch. There are more differences than similarities but it is well written with a lot of tension. Not a lot of action and it's understated but the stories are very good. Give it a chance.
  13. When should the violent protests end? When all the buildings in Minny are burned to the ground? When do you think they should end?
  14. I read something, I believe from the documents charging him, that when another officer couldn't get a pulse, the accused cop maintained pressure on the guy's neck for another 2 and a half minutes. Not that any other part of this looks good at all, but that part is beyond disgusting and I can't imagine any circumstance that could possibly introduce any nuance whatsoever to that. They need to charge the guy with the right offenses and make them stick. They need to dig for every possible charge and pile them on. Does the above qualify as desecration of a corpse? Every single thing needs to be charged but they can't overcharge...maybe murder 1 is an overcharge maybe not.....because every charge needs conviction....he can't get acquitted on anything. The protests that include violence are not justified. They are not. I think people swept up in the chaos and committing impulsive acts, are one thing and it is impractical to go after them. If they can somehow identify groups organizing these things......that needs follow up.
  15. If athletes in their 20s catch the virus, they may never even notice.
  16. Also, why not enter the sewage line as close as possible to the building's edge. Did he have a desire to crawl through extra poop?
  17. Pedophile is not a job type.
  18. Botts and vision in the same sentence needs to also include the word lasik. I get what you're saying and you're not wrong about the sequence of GMs, at least in their type, but both individuals were/are horrible in the execution of their plans. Bott's "vision" has shown zero payoff even in an individual player, much less team results. Yes, there are people touting soon to be average players like Jokiharju or journeymen like Montour as genius maneuvers, but the only viable difference makers he has acquired are Skinner, who is currently having his work ethic challenged by the coach, eating huge cap $, and exiled on a line that can't generate anything, and Dahlin who was a gift from ping pong balls. Watching an interview it us easy to tell Botts, while a nice guy, isn't very bright. Compare a Botts interview to a Beane interview. I'm not saying he needs to be exactly like Beane but he needs to be able have some semblance of a presence and project an aura of competence. He doesn't. I wouldn't doubt that he is decent behind the scenes and could help a franchise like perhaps he did in Pittsburgh, but he is not a viable GM in any way. Maybe I'm wrong but I think COVID saved his job and it is hard for me to blame him or the Pegulas for that odd circumstance. The sad likelihood is that 20-21 will be another disaster. If I were the Pegulas my goal would be to figure out a way to get/keep Eichel happy and beg him for round 2 of patience.
  19. I found it to be funny at first but highly formulaic. The jokes worked at first but after a few episodes it was really repetitive. I'm not surprised some people would like it but I am surprised someone one would grade it so highly.
  20. I watched part of Bot's rather sad Facebook live thing this morning. He's simply in way over his head and not cut out to be a GM in any way. He is not a caustic loser ahole like Murray but just listening to him talk one can tell he wouldn't get the job done if he had 1000 years to do it.
  21. Not that there is anything wrong with either of these.
  22. Excuse me while I kiss this guy. -Hendrix
  23. The good news is that a double blind study proved it cures baldness. The bad news is that the study was only double blind because two docs lost their vision from looking at too many shiny chrome domes. It was like looking into the sun. So who really knows if you'll grow hair.
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