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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. If cops started with violent white protesters that look like commie hipsters it wouldn't stir more racial tension. Maybe that could be a starting point. Phase 1 could be night stick beat downs for entertainment and if that doesn't work then tasers for comedy and if that doesn't work shoot a few. Points can be awarded based on how much the hipster resembles pajama boy.
  2. She's as dumb as a box of rocks. It's sad that people that dumb can be in important jobs at the FBI.
  3. Don't worry. Zuckerberg made some $$$$$$$$ before the video got removed.
  4. They're also only showing the buildings and cars that are looted and burning? Why don't they show a lot full of undisturbed cars in Omaha and just loop that all day?
  5. I don't think it is her but if it is I'm worried about you being ok. It's probably a coincidence that a woman from SD with a red head for an Avatar showed up on this board after all that stuff almost happened to you. Probably.
  6. I went nighty night On the Shirley thing: 1. You posted something absurd 2. I replied "Shirley" 3. You replied "?" 4. I replied "you can't be serious" intending for my two replies to be combined into " Shirley you can't be serious" 5. You seemed to not understand but I thought you were trolling so I gave you credit by saying "two Sheas" On the San Diego thing I was just nervous for my friend @Joe in Winslow but I might be a bit paranoid. I can't get into detail just in case.
  7. Wait a minute. Are you from San Diego?
  8. We should ban breaking the law. Any law. At least around schools. Think of them as lawbreaking-free zones.
  9. At BK he'd try to change his order to a Whopper but end up saying....." You know, the thing".
  10. Biden would have tried to walk to the church and ended up at Burger King ordering a Big Mac.
  11. This is my guess as well, but I'm aware it's a guess.
  12. Someone gonna get chopped into bits there. Right @Joe in Winslow ?
  13. Do you remember if Ellison was here at the same time as Brad Butler? Butler leaned more to the right and had political aspirations that I'm not sure went anywhere. Butler was a little bit better of a player.
  14. I get that this all started in Minnesota and that it is happening all over the country but are we certain the Buffalo stuff is cut from the same cloth? Is it merely a coincidence that this is happening right after we found out Jason Botterill will be back for another year?
  15. If we can just bottle an 8 minute span in November and play like that every minute all year..... Did you know that the Orioles beat both the Yankees and Red Sox last year? If the baseball season starts....watch out for them birds.
  16. Nice broad brush. In real life Elmo chooses the apple millions of times a day.
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