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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Why do think that? Do you know them? Do you think they're incapable of getting to know someone and deciding for themselves? Why haven't these same players cast Josh Allen and his "racist tweets" overboard?
  2. My point is it would be ridiculous to expect nationwide riots with thousands of people filming to produce a night without a questionable incident. But here we are in a place where any incident like this is spun as proof that we're a broken country. Show me one country in world history that would have had fewer incidents after this many nights of widespread riots.
  3. So lots of people virtue signaling proves it's value? There are thousands of people out their rolling video and whichever one paints cops in the worst light is going to be trending on Twitter. That's the whole point. A cop gets stabbed in the neck? Meh.
  4. To be fair it was probably stoners who first thought up how wonderfully communism would work so cannabis ftw again.
  5. If an 8 month happily pregnant woman was shot and her wanted fetus died but she survived would that count as gun violence killing someone?
  6. I mostly agree but the guy did approach the cop and reach out his arm during an edgy situation. He was old though and there were enough cops to handle if he got aggressive.....and didn't look all that capable. My my opinion is that it was an overreaction by the cop. Also I believe it to be an overreaction by those calling him fascist, publishing his name on the Internet and citing this as some sort of proof of a police state.
  7. I do sincerely hope the guy is ok and agree someone should have stayed until medical attention arrived.
  8. Does eclectic mean Starbuck's swizzling pajama boy commies?
  9. But the expectation should be for all cops to be perfect at all times or else it proves a corrupt system in need of communization.
  10. We should communize. It will instantly solve all our problems.
  11. No. He wants every police officer nationwide to be vilified so we can communize,
  12. You forgot about voter suppression because black people aren't allowed to have IDs. He...probably at the instruction of his girlfriend......is a commie. No amount of change short of a proletariat revolution will ever satisfy him.
  13. Well at least that is better than the golden shower rule.
  14. How about less symbolism and more living lives with actual understanding and the golden rule? Symbols mean nothing. Actions mean something.
  15. While I agree with much of what you wrote, the last paragraph ..excluding its last sentence....bugs me a bit. The flag is a symbol of the country, its origins and its ideals. If one disagrees with the ideas then they should kneel. I believe that if they are kneeling because the country hasn't fully lived up to its ideals then every person would need to kneel for the anthem/flag of every country all the time. Are there injustices in this country? Yes. Should we do our best to eliminate all of them? Yes. Is it fair of any of us to have the EXPECTATION that anything short of that means the ideals themselves are wrong? Let's be clear. Colin Kaepernick does not believe in the ideals upon which the US was founded. That is his right. I'm fine with him kneeling for the flag. His premise, the incident in Ferguson, has been shown to be misplaced. His tactics like pig socks and Che tshirts were purposely provocative. That is also his right. What bugs me is that he hid behind Feguson and didn't fully share his true beliefs. He just hinted at it. For that he has been hailed by some as a hero but personally I view him as a puppy being led around by his commie girlfriend. Are there problems in this country? Yes. Is police violence against blacks one of them? I say yes. Why? Because perception is reality. We can spin statistics all day long about percentages of this and that arguing either side. The bottom line is that it is clear that many blacks and non blacks believe it to be true. If you owned a company and your product worked great but sold poorly because people perceived, rightly or wrongly, that it didn't work at all for left handed people and that was unfair, whose job is it to show that misconception wrong? They're your customers so it is your job. The government owes it to their customers....us.....to fix perceived problems whether that is explaining why perceptions are incorrect or fixing actual problems. This goes for any problem....systemic violence by police.....people on the right fearing government overreach into our lives.....justification for wars.....anything. We're the customer. As for Brees, he believes in the ideals of the country so he stands for the flag and anthem. Should he apologize for his beliefs? I don't think so, nor should Kaepernick. Should he clarify that while he believes in the ideals he understands that there will always be opportunities to improve and that standing for the anthem doesn't mean he supports what happened to George Lloyd? I think so, but that is his choice.
  16. Hint:. They just changed its name to Hairdroxychloroquine Tip:. Load up
  17. I'm pretty sure that was Queen and David Bowie.
  18. Read the headline, she was sexually harassed.
  19. Working in a highly questionable sexual harassment claim as if it were fact is neat trick but you're off track. This wouldn't really stop riots. We need white douche bags getting the beat downs. White privilege
  20. It's pretty funny but it is self inflicted. White commie douche again takes a nightstick to the kneecap. That's what we're looking for.
  21. Those need better production value. "Cops storm peaceful protestors" and similar titles don't work because they're confusing. They're screaming Effing pigs and getting in the police's face and then they start rushing from the back.....then the police respond and they run away like rats? A better title might be "douchebags flee as cops don't let them run roughshod" Anyway they weren't that funny. Do you have one with some white douche bag throwing a rock or a Molotov cocktail and then getting a good beat down?
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