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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. If I can't find a place to store the books I remove should I burn them?
  2. Aliens are coming. Except math. Accept math.
  3. I did confuse Lloyd and Floyd which is a weird mental block I've always had with those two names going back way before this. With that said, this coming Monday will mark two weeks since Floyd's death. Weeks remains inaccurate. Personally my preference is that Chauvin go away for life. If a rush to arrest/charge him could even conceivably cause lower odds of conviction then I'd be against that. Detaining him on suspicion, if allowed, is something I would have supported for sure. The other guys? Isnt it reasonable to assume more homework needed to be done to button things up?
  4. Did it really take weeks for charges to be filed in the Lloyd case? Does this mean there are times machines involved?
  5. The 2020 Tom Tuttle from Tacoma Washington award is all but locked up. Try again next year folks.
  6. This is all a ploy by the murder hornets to distract our attention.
  7. I don't agree but I acknowledge the argument for post birth abortion of people that take selfies.
  8. He was looking to rumble with the rival gang from Nantucket. Mean streets. Mass is the most racist place in America and Martha's Vineyard is whiter than a bleached dry erase board. It's hysterical he was showing solidarity.,..,on Martha's Vineyard. Was he in a plastic bubble at the time?
  9. I was just really seeing whether C3's desire to take guns from people trumped his defense of abortion anywhere, anytime or vice versa.
  10. More snide crap. Please show one comment from anyone in this thread stating any of the peaceful protests are illegitimate in any way. Indeed people have lamented looting and rioting but that is it. Your fake agreement, while you actually support the riots is duly noted. Side point: Why do you think people are protesting in London and Paris?
  11. I can do that AND point out what a phony you are. Both are simple.
  12. He needs to put words in your mouth because it's the only way to make his arguments hold up.
  13. We are a nation of individuals and how we treat each other matters. True progress in race relations can't be made or broken by government or at least it shouldn't be. It is in how we treat each other.
  14. I did read it and found it crappy as I suspected I would. An individual killed another individual. It can't yet be shown that race was a reason behind it at all. If it was, THEN it should be examined if it was institutional. If THAT is shown, it should be examined if it is the fault of Democrats, Republicans, neither or both.
  15. It's a crappy premise. Chauvin didn't commit his horrendous act because because he was somehow conditioned to do it . I have not found that to be the case generally but this particular article has a stupid premise. And by "least reputable" I assume you mean "non-commie".
  16. I didn't read the article but the title is a stretch. The most likely scenario to me is that Chauvin was probably the senior officer and the other three didn't stop him. That's not an excuse for them but might explain their inaction. Chauvin himself clearly did the wroooooooooong thing. He was probably on tilt somehow and initially overreacted but keeping his knee on someone's neck for three minutes after no pulse can't ever be explained to me. The whole thing is disgusting long before that. Racism? Maybe. Personal vendetta? Maybe. Loss of composure over something that happened before the video? Maybe. It matters and it doesn't at the same time. If it can be shown he did it due to race it is terrible and reflects on him. It also might be a bad sign that cops need to be vetted more generally speaking. It does not prove all cops racist nor does it prove the system racist. If it shown he had a personal beef with George Lloyd and he isn't a racist at all it doesn't prove the system is free of racism. I'm no fan of the monolithic rule mentioned in your headline but this was an act by an individual against an individual. Some are quick to show low numbers of cops killing unarmed black people. Those are data points worth examination. I'm guessing the numbers of cops killing people in one party rule towns is also a low number. Your headline does not pass the smell test....not even close.
  17. Come on dude get out your broad brush. It makes it so much easier to communize.
  18. Cops should definitely let people take their taxpayer funded guns. Those are the people's guns.
  19. Is it the chick that was married to Terry Bradshaw?
  20. I get it. Because he's religious. And he clearly did not say whites were elite. He used the word elite to differentiate some whites from other whites. For instance if he said left handed whites should have guns he would not be saying all white people are left handed. Learn to read. If Josh Allen's actions indicated anything about his tweets were telling of his attitudes he would not do well in a locker room. It is good that he has been judged by his actions and not his words. Should Fromm be afforded the same opportunity or should his teammates just decide to hate him now? Do his Georgia teammates hate him? I have no idea if Fromm will be any good or not. My first vibe on him is that he is pretty smart and maybe a bit arrogant. That might be right or wrong. My first vibe on Gregg Williams was that he seemed like a good dude. Oops.
  21. I don't even understand Ballard's "sentence". What is the "white community"? Have I missed meetings? Why aren't all people allowed in the community?
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