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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. To be fair the chief shouldn't be comparing day to day numbers based on geography. He should look at what happens at typical block parties for a comparable. Some neighbor's booze it up and there is a fracas or two. Meh.
  2. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if Trump took the action she is baiting him into and a few "block partiers" got killed. It would help her more if they were black but anyone dead would work. And the beauty is that it doesn't have to be Trump. It could be a cop or someone else. Maybe something could happen like a heart attack and a slow 911 response would do the trick. If someone dies she'll be all set. Her national status would be elevated and maybe she could even get a cushy cabinet position. Her weakness in standing up to the smelly hippies in the commie zone is also her strength. Any worries about impeachment from her left are tempered by bigger ambitions. Side note:. If some right wing block partiers took over some patch of land in Montana in 2014 and declared it sovreign, would Obama have done anything? Drone strike off the table?
  3. I like Krueger and if they made him the GM I'd be optimistic, but I'm happy with him at coach too. I'm hoping he has some contacts a la McDermott/Beane. If Botterill were a general contractor I'd suggest wearing a helmet and a flak jacket whenever you are in a place he built. Zamboni driver seems like a good fit. COVID is the only reason he should be retained for another year. John C thinks 20-21 is make or break for Botts but a look at the roster tells you it's already broken. Unless you think Cozens is going to immediately impact the NHL, which is unrealistic and unfair to him, there is literally not a thing on the farm or the current roster that suggests anything close to the giant quantum leap required. And the cap situation sucks, even if there were viable FAs. Imagine being spotted Eichel and Dahlin and ending up with an atrocious team about to become the all time playoff drought record holder. Wow. When Botts is interviewed it is alternating "GM speak" in generalized platitudes, clueless blank stares, and irrational expectations already proven incorrect. He is beyond over his head. At least he's not a douche bag like Murray though. He seems like an ok guy but he is not a GM.
  4. I get it but that dude isn't worth your time or anyone else's. He needs to be locked up or shot. We shouldn't forget that people like him exist but he shouldn't get the time of day from anyone either. It's a weird balancing act.
  5. Why abolish it when we can just ignore it? Look at how well that has worked out for everyone living under the glory of Marxism.
  6. 5 people you couldn't pay me to sit with: Mark Zuckerberg - pompous twit who has made the world worse. If it wasn't him it would have been someone else but he is still a reprobate Tom Hanks - I'm not interested in his journey from a cross dresser in a bad sitcom to a pretty damn good actor to an insufferable holier than though prick An extraterrestrial intelligent being - You can't pay me to sit with one because they don't exist Jerry Seinfeld - Booooooooooooooooring LeCom James - Seemed like a decent guy, pretty smart and amazingly talented, then exposed himself as a dumbass who doesn't mind seeing a society trampled so he can make a few extra bucks.
  7. Yes we should all be afraid of the cancel culture. That will solve it. I'm not really in love with what Fromm said but shouldn't he get at least a few points for being mostly anti 2nd amendment? That's the in thing now isn't it? Would a drone strike be considered to be on foreign soil like when Obama did it? Are those things accurate enough to target hippies?
  8. Any truth to the rumor that the Whitestone bridge is being demolished tomorrow? Dammit Ted, you missed the opportunity to say Shirley this is satire.
  9. No. Just checking I had the right guy as I'm not sure. English accent commie guy right?
  10. I think he'd only have one question for Raquel and the answer would be no.
  11. Oliver is the commie guy right? He isn't really that funny to me. A one trick pony. I think Bill Burr is funny so I agree there. I don't know Dore and find Rogan a phony albeit funny at times. I feel better with the context you've offered about the pedo invite but he's not worth your time.
  12. One of the PPP lefties was there and estimated the time until medical assistance arrived at 15 seconds. The guy got pushed away from the cops he was clearly trying to disrupt/scan/whatever. He had been told multiple times to go away. He didn't. He then approached the cops using a phone app to identify them and /or their communications. Earlier he had been told by protestors to STFU and one commented that the guy was looking to get punched. It's unfortunate he got hurt but if you think waiting 15 seconds for medical attention is the pinnacle of wrong, I think you're off base. How long a wait is acceptable to you? 14 seconds? 10? 3? I think they're weak sauce terrorists for the most part because they are mostly screeching wimps. But at their core they are dime a dozen commies.
  13. John Lennon's first wife?
  14. So the spin is that THIS roster can afford to lose viable young players with no return? Meanwhile we're pinning hopes on maybes like Kahun and Joki? Those guys might work out ok or maybe not but with borderline types like that, numbers help.
  15. Lol that is awesome. The best part had to be when the homeless people spit out the vegan crap and soy and oats and threw the rest on the ground or at the hippy commies. How long are they planning on staying in the concrete commune?.
  16. For an interesting conversation the 5 that come to mind are: Robert Downey Jr. - He has been through a lot and seems to be an independent thinker Barry Bonds - Made out as the ultimate villain, not because of what he did....lots of people did that...but because he was impolite. He was treated very unfairly IMO Ruth Bader Ginsburg - I'm not a fan of her politics but her friendship with opposite number Scalia tells me she is up for a good coversation and a listener Buzz Aldrin or any living astronaut who walked on the moon Jeff Bezos - He seems fairly douchey but the trek from online bookstore to where Amazon is now is incredible
  17. I'd like to see the five people below try to out phony each other while I simply observe to see who is the top phony. Michael Baden Michio Kaku Al Gore Joe Rogan Neil Degrasse Tyson Since Tyson and Kaku are the same genre I might substitute Lance Armstrong in for one of them.
  18. I'm ok with Ullmark until our prospect is ready which is estimated to be in 2037. Wrt the forwards and Botts history of alternating between miserable failures of trades and picking up guys whose careers might top out on a third line.......your positivity has no evidence whatsoever to back it up. It is very clear that Botts is simply way way way over his head and that the first chance at improvement is the year after he departs. COVID saved him but it really hurt the franchise.
  19. Maybe by that time we'll have a GM that won't jerk him around.
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