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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Blah blah blah. Your argument is about soccer while my post was about the lame MLS. Sherlock's jai alai comment gets it. Not enough people care about the MLS for its inclusion to be anything other than a veiled ESPN promo.
  2. I wish my mind were capable enough to agree with everything the great and glorious Capco thinks. If only everyone were just like you. Here is how I currently feel: I would neither support nor withhold support for whatever action McD or anyone else takes. I am not aghast that people would vote either way on such a narrowly worded poll question on a football website. I do not pretend to know the opinions each of them hold which resulted in their vote. Even if I understood all of a person's reasons and disagreed 100% I would support their right to express their view. Supporting their right is not the same thing as supporting their action or inaction. To to me the anthem represents the ideals of our country. Personally, I would never kneel or turn my back to it because I believe in those ideals. Do we ever fail to live up to those ideals? Yes we do. That is also true of every other country, indeed every other individual in the history of mankind. So if you're kneeling due to failure to live up to our ideals, you will always kneel. That's fine. Your choice. If you pick and choose some ideals or a threshold of how much we missed by.....also your choice. If someone does not believe in our ideals at all, then they they should take whatever action they deem fit with respect to kneeling, protest, whatever. They have that right. If they want to kneel because they feel our ideals haven't been met I think that is also fine but I find it inconsistent. If they want to kneel because they got shorted on pepperoni on the pizza they ordered....also fine.....even more inconsistent. I do not support or withhold support for any decision anyone makes in this latest go round on the topic....or any go round. It is not my place. I think it is highly presumptuous of someone to express shock that someone gave or withheld support and demand everyone feel the way they feel. I would not get on my high horse and deem either group ignorant as you have chosen to do because of your perceived superior intellect. Because of my incapable mind I am clearly wrong. Please teach me oh great one.
  3. Lefties have always liked unions and tenures so really don't have any business complaining about the pensions. The firing of the BPD officer is a different issue than the pensions.
  4. He's changed from a drowned out commie voice in the wilderness to a loud commie voice able to take advantage of a group about which he doesn't really care.
  5. I have pulled many hamstrings but never my own.
  6. Why not be accurate if you're asking questions and holding Bill to standards of not using hypotheticals? You categorize the guy as holding a "cell phone and a helmet". It is 2020 so I'm sure you're aware that a "cell phone" is capable of lots of applications. One of these applications is scanning police communications devices for use in jamming and tracking these devices later. There is video available clearly showing this commie waving the phone at two different cops and specific areas of their gear. Why simply ignore that when trying to make your case? Why call it a "cell phone"? The guy got pushed and unfortunately had a bad fall. There is nothing indicating the cop wanted him to fall, he wanted him to go away. He probably should have detained him instead and looked at the phone app. Once the guy fell, by all accounts he was attended to quickly, albeit not by the first guy who leaned over him.
  7. 1. If they are going to remove conservatives then the "all students" thing would have to go too. 2. Of all schools to moralize in a tweet....Penn State. They left off: Dear local children. Your safety from pedophiles matters. Less than our football program by a wide margin....but still it matters.
  8. Third rate football team? WTF? I'm not your friend, buddy.
  9. Commies like confusion. It's the whole idea.
  10. To be fair, most people would consider Mets tickets punishment. It's borderline cruel and unusual.
  11. My opinion of CK is that he is a dim bulb being led around on a string by his commie girlfriend. A modern day John Lennon if you will. Still, he has a right to well informed opinion, a half baked opinion or a poorly informed opinion. I will never question that right. Although I think it is technically correct that the NFL was his job and he was representing the company during the anthem, thus making the NFL's wish that he stand valid, I think it is a bit weak. I feel funny about this because I think if a top exec in Microsoft wore a company shirt, went on TV and burned a flag, that MS would be well within their rights to fire him, MS also doesn't play the anthem before every sales meeting. The NFL puts the players that share CK's opinion in an awkward position so I think the company time argument is iffy. I might not like him kneeling....in fact I don't......but I don't think he is out of line there really. Your economic argument is a joke before it even starts because communist systems demand compliance of the governed and CK would never have his rights under that model.....ever. The economic model on its own is also a joke but the system strips people of their humanity before the first widget comes off the assembly line so that is really moot.
  12. Leaving out your farcical economics notions for the moment..... Colin Kaepernick knelt for the anthem. Some argue it cost him his job which it might have but plenty of others have done it and are still around. Leaving aside the argument about company time, CK doesn't support the founding or at least some aspects of our society. He kneels to let his thoughts be known. If he were a Chinese, North Korean, Venezuelan, .......athlete and took the same knee, what would happen to him? You know just as well as I do exactly what would happen. Before even getting into economics, I've seen enough to disavow these commies. Did America force Paul Pot to do what he did? Did America force Tiananmen square?
  13. 1-5: I don't care 6. If you're not simply faking your opinions to troll, you're a dime a dozen commie who doesn't really care about race or anything else except as a means to an end; probably unpaid 7. See 1-5 but my guess would be you've posted on the board somewhere under another name and maybe not on PPP or at least not much...just a guess no claim to knowledge. Hogboy is a possibility but no claim of certainty here. 9. It didn't except for the commie part. Communism doesn't work. 10. Mostly don't care but I think some jump to conclusions without attention to detail.
  14. I understand what you're saying but I'd think that completely abolishing no knock warrants might not be the answer. Clearly they need to be the exception and closely administered and monitored. To me it seems they would have a use in known and well documented criminal enterprises, kidnappings and other scenarios. I've seen none of that wrt this particular case.
  15. Poor Losman gets hated on even when he is a country singer.
  16. Are there any circumstances under which a no knock warrant would help bring a legitimate criminal to justice and avoid a cop getting shot through a door? My guess is yes, but it is possible I'm misunderstanding something. If if the above is indeed correct then banning them altogether isn't the greatest idea I've ever heard. Clearly though, the standard to get one is far too low at least in Ms. Taylor's jurisdiction. It should be a very high standard to get that type of warrant. The policy in this incident was either subverted or it needs to be changed. If it was subverted, the people who subverted it....police, judge, whoever....need to be held to account.
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