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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I just read that now Eskimo Pies are having their name changed because the name is offensive. I thought it might be fun to have a game around this. For or the first post I'll name something. The next poster should list a way to be offended by this so it can be canceled and then list something new for the next poster to be offended. You can make the offending matter easy or difficult to find. Your choice. You can list from any category : product, person, place, song, movie, whatever. Example: Cathedral ceilings. These should be banned because they remind people of oppressive religions. The initial entry: Liquid Plumber
  2. On the left from our perspective or from their perspective?
  3. I'll watch later but I'm guessing he was talking about Canadians. Unless he used the word intelligent.
  4. Not a fan. She said we'd meet again some sunny day but she was a liar.
  5. No. He means by being awarded the Nobel Peace prize on Jan 21
  6. He said Trump was "apart". I think that is correct but Occum's Shaver thinks he meant "a part" which is different.
  7. The "good" news is that once everyone is canceled then no one will be canceled.
  8. Ok, but is it Tom Brady? If not, judging by the clothes I'll say Angus Young.
  9. Interesting that as time has gone by and more is dicovered that theories about the number of alien civilizations has dropped from very large numbers to.....36. More interesting yet is that this number is derived from favorable assumptions where preceding favorable assumptions have been disproven. Now 36 is an optimistic number where thousands upon thousands used to be the optimistic view. Do we detect a trend? 10,000 ----------> 36 ---------> ? I think I see where this is leading. Side note: Even at a low number like 36 sitcom math still holds sway. The number is zero guys. Somewhere Von Neumann and Fermi are laughing it up at Drake.
  10. The initial part of your post, although possible, is speculation, not established fact. Botts more than earned his firing on hockey alone. His tenure included zero developed players. None. Maybe Goaloffson. He also oversaw regression of several. I take no joy in his firing and it was abrupt based on recent statements. With that said, the departure of Pilut was also abrupt and there is no excuse for it happening. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it is possible that you are. The new GM cannot possibly be worse than the last two. If he drives to the arena tomorrow, pours accelerants thruoughout and lights it on fire he will have caught up with Murray and Botts. He has a difficult task with the empty roster Botts has left behind and what will certainly be a strange season for all post COVID. Keep Eichel in the fold, get through 20-21 alive and go from there. If Botts stayed it would be no better than that and probably worse.
  11. Maybe he could levitate like David Blaine with one knee bent and the other leg straight. Everyone happy?
  12. I heard his mom is Jewish and when he woke up he said Oy Vey never have I had such a splitting headache. I'm not saying I KNOW he was doing something with his phone but I saw enough where it easy to believe the police could be suspicious. Stop it. If they turned him around and cuffed him people would be whining they should have just moved him out of the way.
  13. FYI to all John is butt hurt because I don't love Jason Botterill. On the first officer I can see that but it looked more like shoulder than face. On the second officer he was waving it around by the guys hip.
  14. Do you concur that he was waving his phone toward the police in a fashion similar to the way Dr. McCoy waved his magic medical device on Star Trek? What might be the purpose of this. What I've read is that the devices can pick up frequencies being used by the police devices so they can be jammed by other means. This makes sense to me but I'm not an EE. What doesn't make sense is waving the phone around toward specific areas of the cops gear for no reason at all. Apparently that makes sense to you.
  15. @Joe in Winslow could have told this lady burning down the Wendy's not to mess with a red head chick.
  16. You listed one reason: Rampant ignorance. Perhaps you should have said "rampant ignorance is the largest reason but there might be others which are valid". Admit it and move on. Of course that would require you thinking there are valid reasons to vote no. Do you?
  17. Could it be that your keyboard had all of the necessary keys to explain that the first time but you decided to cite ignorance alone? Could it be that the above is a CYA? Could it be that my post you disliked so much said almost the same thing about there being no need to reduce positions black and white logic? I'm disappointed because at first I thought you could tell me what to think and now it just looks like you're full of crap.
  18. I just can't wrap my incapable and ignorant mind why you proclaimed anyone who voted in a way different from you as ignorant. Please please help.
  19. All I asked is that you tell me what to think because you proclaimed me ignorant and incapable. Please teach my why everyone should vote the same way on this poll. As a bonus please explain why demanding everyone have the same opinion isn't an example of groupthink. I don't get that either. Please please oh great one.
  20. Josh said nothing about Vikings fans. Not one word.
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