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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Speedy Gonzalez called and said.....oh wait he didn't call because he never existed.
  2. Caption: Despite a valiant effort, the Pats new QB was unable to out-feminine his predecessor.
  3. When you're wearing your horseheads do people even know if you're black or white? You should get your own anthem like the theme from The Lone Ranger or Run for the Roses by Dan Engleberg.
  4. If DR were here he'd point out that the pyramids were built by aliens, not slaves.
  5. Personally I didn't like your post or his. But I think you're being a little sensitive to negative comments if you think you're being "held liable". You called more attention to your vulgar post by arguing about it over and over. Your post also started the whole thing. I probably wouldn't have noticed either if you had just said "sorry" or even nothing and moved on. Koko should probably say sorry too but at least he hasn't been arguing that his post is harmless. You had a thousand analogies available and you chose a creepy one....what he and others said came later. Although unattainable my advice to/about you would be: Prevent even darker online posts hereafter. Inspire, love, engage.
  6. There are a lot of analogies you could have used but you chose to be a creep. My advice to others arguing with you would be: Perhaps engage deviants only purposefully; having important laudable exchanges.
  7. The difference is that you didn't whine to the mods.
  8. How will poor LeCom James make extra $$$$$$$ now?
  9. Below is a cool and very plausible video which in part discusses a possible reason why we haven't found aliens. This guy does a lot of really great videos about space. Once in a while there is something about aliens but mostly it is about realistic things, not things that have been mathematically disproved like aliens. Anyway the content of the video is really cool and nothing in it is really wrong, but there is a fatal flaw wrt finding aliens. Can you find it?
  10. If your meme were true it would be commie vs. commie.
  11. Big Ben is a good QB with no shortage of depravity.
  12. You may want to re-think this. Lots of baldies in China. You could fit right in.
  13. I'll re-watch the episodes which were Jim/Pam wedding and Dwight/Angela wedding and let you know. I don't think they mentioned though.
  14. Marrone is an asshat just like Williams. They are basically the same guy. Give Marrone 100 years and he would never go anywhere. I can see having him above Mularkey but that is as high as I'll go.
  15. You don't have to be like Trump. Maybe you can look like Kevin from The Office when he wears his toupee. That was good.
  16. If you're going to try to fool the big man you'll either have to get much better at sarcasm or accept that your hair will never grow back.
  17. We live in an open society. Everyone will get the virus in one way or another. Everyone. Some percentage will get it via the vaccine. If we are unable to create a vaccine then everyone will get it the natural way.
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