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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Joe Biden advocated for it; not sure about any voting though.
  2. I certainly wish him well and owed him an answer on a PM thread. I'd like to reach out to him. Can you PM me some contact info? Get his permission first if you'd like.
  3. The "effect" is news coverage. This crap has been going on for months unchecked but now that the Feds are protecting a courthouse the NYT makes it the story du jour.. Oh, and some punk got a boo boo face from a rubber bullet.
  4. The people behind these protests would love nothing more than a few protestors getting killed. That is part of their objective. They can scream Kent State like the hippies of yore. Commie is as commie does.
  5. Do these Ughyur people know that they are costing LeCom big $$$$$$$?
  6. It's complex. We should probably just think whatever LeCom James tells us to think.
  7. This thing may go deeper than I thought. Someone please post a picture so I can take my mind off of it. I'll deal with Gene. One visit from a talking hamster and he'll crack.
  8. That's the Devo guy and it's false. Why do I have all of these hat accusations? It's not like I'm.........wait a minute.......this might be a @Gene Frenkle frame job.
  9. Oh. Why does he say things about me? I don't watch any of that crap. I saw Family guy once and they all talk like Pats fans. I said nope and passed it on.
  10. If someone magic were able to accurately predict that we'd have an effective vaccine, but it wouldn't be available widely until Jan 1, 2023, what would you recommend be done?
  11. 1. Harold Ramis is very much alive, his death was faked. 2. Who the eff is Seth McFarland and why does he say bad things about me.
  12. That Devo guy? He's a jerk. None of what he says about me is true at all. Especially the thing I supposedly did with his potted plant hat. Never happened.
  13. Because there was a warning. Some guy rode a horse through the studios yelling "The racists are coming......".
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