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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Christian Bale is a chick? I KNEW it!
  2. It's not exactly hard to find examples. LeCom James recently pitched a fit because an NBA GM had the nerve to be bothered by citizens of Hong Kong having their rights stripped. In LeCom's defense though, such opinions could disrupt the work of slaves helping him make bank.
  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand a big nothing got released yet again. I'd make a crickets joke but crickets are alive and able to communicate to beings on Earth, unlike aliens.
  4. Also Gene Simmons or possibly Barbara Hersheybar.
  5. Settle down. Wherever Cuomo says you got it, that's where you got it. Cah Peach?
  6. It's eighth grade math. Just watch. This will either be completely bogus or some weird spin on words. Like a probe that was manufactured off planet in the space station.
  7. Do you believe Cuomo when he says eating a sandwich at a bar is different from eating a potato chip at a bar too? Sending patients back into nursing homes was a very stupid idea and he has tried to spin 8 ways from Sunday as to why it wasn't. The Ohio State coach got to wear one right away. Our priorities are out of whack.
  8. "Black lives matter" the sentence is on the mark. Black Lives Matter the organization is on the Marx.
  9. .200 below the Mendoza line But it would work perfectly if human nature wasn't so darn human nature-y.
  10. A little thing called math says the above cannot be true.
  11. Because of all the politicians they should be tHe Washington: Jerks who Are Commonly Known Only For Fradulent Sh$& They could go by the acronym for short.
  12. Good point on Darryl Johnson. I definitely liked what I saw from him.
  13. I'm putting in my two guesses now to save time: It's either Oprah or Bryce Dallas Howard.
  14. Maybe @GunnerBill can help with this. I'm wondering about the prospects for Vosean Joseph and/or Jaquan Johnson contributing to the team. I remember hearing about Joseph in particular having potential. It feels like we had two extra late round picks in 2020 but at least these guys had part of a camp. Does anyone have any expectations of these guys?
  15. Can't take offense at "Washington"? Have you not been paying attention? I say go with "DC/AC", and have that old band play the anthem backwards every game.
  16. To be fair not many short QBs before Wilson have done anything. Was Moon Wilson's height? The Bills in fact had suffered through a popular but horrible Lilliputian QB in their recent past. Maybe watching that QB fail while the Bills had a solid roster surrounding him scared Nix away. Lest anyone think this post means to show support for the unpopular and also horrible but tall QB the Bills had as an alternative, it isn't. It's the wrong thread for that.
  17. Are you allowed to go and watch because your horsehead is like a super-mask?
  18. And now @Joe in Winslow believes in reincarnation......San Diego style.
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