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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Huh? Fromm's text pretty much implied he was a gun control advocate.
  2. I agree the anti-gun left wing opinions expressed by Fromm were bad. I also didn't like that he dismissed people based on race and economics. Even if he was joking, which he probably was, it was a bad joke IMO. I guess I'll cut him a little slack....not much...on the race stuff because he was young. I'll cut him more slack on the left wing junk because kids tend to be ignorant about that kind of stuff.
  3. "Black lives matter" is a truthful statement but the organization with that name is full of bad ideas. An organization with the name "Ice cream is yummy" could also have bad ideas.
  4. I can't figure out if he is Little Red Riding Hood or the Big Bad Wolf.
  5. Only @Joe in Winslow knows for sure but I'm guessing it is the brother of the San Diego Skyper.
  6. If there was an organization named "Ice Cream is Yummy" and they advocated abolishing banks, would it mean that people who supported banks hate ice cream?
  7. He was asked to comment on the goings on in the country. Is he supposed to have "grown" into someone capable of healing society? How did he trip on the question? Answer it properly for him. What could he have said that would have satisfied you? Why must we all be satisfied by a football player's answers about political climate? He did answer the question about himself and the follow up was about political climate. If he used the Bill an Ted ' "be excellent to each other" there would probably be less teeth gnashing. Bring God into it and people get all defensive. That is their right. But to declare that someone's thoughts are unacceptable is a bridge too far. Having that opinion is fine. Expressing it as an opinion is also fine. Declaring it as a fact is wrong.
  8. 1. This is an American board so kindly keep the u out of favors. 2. You and others may view it as a deflection. A different group may not. Can't a person love God and people? That is what Fromm said he is trying to do. Is that a bad approach? Can't someone who doesn't believe think, "well at least he loves people too"? You or I might view his approach as ill conceived. That's fine. Pronouncing it as "unacceptable" in a written statement, not framed as opinion, is wrong.
  9. I worry about that but don't think it will come to pass. Most people are tolerant. Those who aren't are purposefully loud.
  10. From didn't shove anything on anyone. The reporter became judge jury and executioner for Fromm's beliefs.
  11. There is a "ticket price" and a "football seat contribution". I'm not sure what each costs but they are forcing fans to forfeit the second one. That's crap. What if an individual fan doesn't wish to "donate" to that particular charity? Somehow I doubt the Levi Lamb fund helps underage victims of sexual predators.
  12. They are basically stealing money from their fans. Then again their fans have proven football is more important to them than keeping children safe from rape, so I'm sure a few bucks won't get in the way.
  13. Congrats to Mrs. Who Tom. Note to self:. If offered a sandwich by Who Tom, make sure to get the recipe before taking a bite in case he made chicken salad out of chicken *****.
  14. Ken Stabler Also Ken Stabler
  15. This was around the time some on the board were calling Rex's defense "antiquated" and others were vehemently disagreeing and pointing out what a lazy and terrible player Gilmore had become and how things would improve once Reggie Ragland and Adolphus Washington got more experience.
  16. Weird, I haven’t heard much about this from the NBA. Even if all the above is true, the officer still knelt on the guy's neck for multiple minutes after another officer told him he couldn't get a pulse on the guy.
  17. On the plus side the sculpture isn't bad. Also, I knew Trudeau did blackface but hadn't realized he also did asianface.
  18. Remember when Eric Davis' rookie card was all the rage? It was around the time when aliens seemed mathematically plausible.
  19. If we're waiting to find evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe this thread is immortal.
  20. The tweet was from a US Senator, not the MSM. How pathetic. They're all pathetic, corrupt or both. This has been going on for years and he has the balls to start a sentence with "we're starting"?
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