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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Wow! I mean I always thought he was a douche and mocked his fans with the whole making songs like de do do do de da da da crap but he really aged fast.
  2. His value may be less than what it costs to qualify him. I'm not familiar with all the specifics, but unless the qualifying cost is zero or very low, Bots special number 872 is worth less. The asset management mistake was in acquiring him. Jettisoning him is a forgone conclusion. He may not have "zero" value, but it's pretty close. Trade him to Seattle for a case of that rum, drink it all and hope it makes us forget we ever got him in the first place.
  3. Don't be. Beardy McGee just changed his brand of moustache wax.
  4. Dude there isn't a road long enough for do nothing Beardy McGee to kick the can down. He's basically thieving taxpayer money knowing he is never going to get any results whatsoever. It's as disgusting as all the activities that he is supposedly investigating.
  5. To be fair to Adams, Montour was another Bots special. He blows.
  6. Add catcher to that list. There are a lot of moving parts to assess at any giving time to make the right call for the situation. QB is certainly on it too. A lot of info to process.
  7. Q: What da math? A: Da math is da thing that says aliens don't exist.
  8. LOL of all LOL's. The Nickelback guy fell for the old weather balloon trick. Up next: Swamp gas.
  9. The dude from Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom?
  10. Isn't Elmira Guy also the name of the plane that dropped the Hiroshima bomb?
  11. What's so special about this Dolegala guy?
  12. Do you guys think Trevor Lawrence could get a haircut, go unrecognized and drop to the 4th? If all of this crap happened a year ago, where would Burrow have been picked?
  13. 1. Understood and agreed on the first part. Taking the Devil's advocate approach though, the lack of communication at the time most certainly required a leap of faith by the mathematician regarding observations from 800 kilometers away. My point is that if all you had was Sagan and the original dude's pre-science, it wouldn't be enough. Clearly we have much more information since which proves what was hypothesized. 2. Meh. Again I agree and believe what he did was legit, but it could have been a parlor trick. If you're saying Sagan would agree that we've now discerned aliens most likely have never existed you are probably right but he might not ever say so publicly.
  14. The article was optimistic, not the equation. And although your assertion about our radio signals is accurate, you left out a lot of stuff.
  15. Applying wishful thinking to any question, as done in that article, will result I good news every time. Wishful thinking has a use in many areas. Except math. Accept math.
  16. Although I agree with this particular conclusion by Sagan, I don't think it would be hard to argue with....although only temporarily. The way to do this would be twofold: 1. Question the accuracy of the observations. There was no instantaneous communication when that guy made his calculations. How could the observations be properly validated? 2. Shoot the messenger. Sagan clearly had issues with judgement as evidenced by his atrocious fashion statement. Although sophomoric, this is indisputable. On a more serious note, Sagan through numerous implications clearly believed in the existence of intelligent alien life, an assertion since refuted by math. His credibility could be easily questioned. In 2020 point 1 above can easily be disproven. Although point 2 still holds water, it is rendered moot and flat Earthers are proven wrong.
  17. I may have figured this out. The OP says Albany so is Watervliet near by? And is it spelled correctly? Anyway that is pretty close to Canada I think and with the inabilty to coherently spell the name of the town, it could be that there is a lot of Canadian genetic influence which would explain why she is able to charge.
  18. It's not fair at all to say Marcel didn't comment on his worldview. He commented on at least part of it. He made it clear that he feels an athlete owes the world an explanation and a penance over off hand comments made in private while that athlete was very young. Personally, while I'm not a big fan of what Fromm typed, I don't think he owes me an explanation,. Others disagree and think he owes it. Marcel is clearly among them and that's fine, but that is part of his worldview. If a reporter from a right wing paper asked Fromm about his very same comments but from a gun control angle, received a similar response and said "unacceptable", would that reporter have shown his worldview at all?
  19. I guess so, but not everything. I've seen nothing about Fromm's opinion of making Covid masks from equine noggins. How about reporters press quarterbacks about football and politicians about politics? Would that make more sense?
  20. My recollection was that Fromm implied nobody should have guns...then joked....well maybe elite white people. I took that to mean most whites would also be excluded. Elite is definitely a qualifying word. And that NRA comment begs for proof but this is probably the wrong thread.
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