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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. How glorious it will be for you if Allen fails and you get to be I told you so King. WTF?
  2. Is it lost on you that divisional teams play each other twice every year? The topic of the thread is basically whether the Bills will win the division. You cited the Bills difficult schedule as a reason they might not. That is an almost entirely invalid reason. Now if you're saying "team x" within our division has improved, thus our schedule is harder than 2019, there might be a small point but the fact remains that each team plays the others twice. Are you saying the Patriots have improved? If so, make that the basis for your argument.
  3. To be fair to LeCom, he makes lots of $$$$$$$$$$ from Chinese slaves so he needs to defend his revenue stream.
  4. Stop using rational thought. We need 8 trillion more posts about saving salary cap money by cutting him. If he plays well we are stuck with only Borjaqueez as a villain.
  5. Beta from the Walking Dead....Ryan Hurst
  6. This is an almost completely invalid point when discussing winning the division. We'll play Tenn and Pitt where the other teams play Bal, Cin, Cle, Ind, Jax, Hou. That's the entire difference when it comes to winning the division. Your instant spin of negativity doesn't turn irrelevant data points into meaningful considerations.
  7. There it is. The superiority complex of the spandex mafia exposes itself. Only rule breaking cyclists with look at me mom outfits can be in shape. Nobody else could possibly be healthy because me me me. Give me the whole road,. I'm so pretty in pink.....or purple...or if I'm really special canary yellow. To be fair, although the spandex mafia doesn't contribute a cent of funding, they're *itching and moaning can result in bigger dollars being spent.
  8. I don't know what a mish is, but there aren't tractor or backhoe operators crying at town hall meetings for gobs of money for special accommodations and then ignoring the outcome of their whining. And since when do country roads not have pebbles? Anyway I do not hit spandex mafia on purpose. This thread started with an etiquette question. But by all means continue to ignore rules of the road and whine at the town hall about it. Physics, however, does not have a town hall or a complaint department.
  9. What is the intended use of bike paths? Just to throw some money away?
  10. Why do you think they spend millions of dollars on those things and name them "bike paths"? The type of path that best fits in the spandex mafia seems to be socio.
  11. This is the only division where I can see a positive case ro be made for all 4 teams.
  12. I'm also concerned for the spandex mafia's health despite their lack of recognition of the physics of car vs. bike and their absolute selfishness. If there is a parallel path made for them, why disrupt traffic? It must be compensation for something.
  13. Maybe Vermont can spend a billion on a parallel bike route so they can ignore it. Well he certainly shouldn't depend on the spandex mafia to stop their douchebaggery.
  14. If a road that is paralleled by a perfectly accessible bike path is cluttered with spandex mafia anyway, is a car within its rights to just keep driving or is horn honking required before any contact is made?
  15. Dang. My other guess was Commander Lassard. Does Police Academy count as acting?
  16. Emmanuel Lewis, of Webster fame.
  17. BLM and Antifa wouldn't know civil rights if they tripped over them. The type of government they prefer offers no civil rights for anyone. They are simply opportunists. If legitimate civil rights activists were protesting in Rochester upon the release of the video, or even before, it might not have received much attention. That doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  18. That logic got twisted into a pretzel or two. It reminds me of the logic you used to defend the legitimacy of the NBA when I gave you the results four years in advance....well I guess three years in advance, but the next four finals, all spot on. What is stopping a reporter from claiming unnamed sources told him Biden does more than sniff the hair of 13 year olds? Would Kemp start a thread about how Obama hadn't refuted it even if others had? Would you twist around to show how this was "in character" ?
  19. If Beane made identical choices except Josh vs. Josh, where would he be now?
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