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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Those are some interesting simliarities. Are there any differences between Manning and Flacco?
  2. Does bullet point 3 translate to: help us spy on at least one person per table?
  3. Mr. Mayfield prefers to receive his respect in the parking lot of the Cheesecake Factory.
  4. I'm not sure it's a great idea to allow kids into that classroom given the phrase second from the bottom on that sign.
  5. I knew something was off about that kid but never would have suspected that he's a vampire.
  6. Now people are faking UFOs sans the U. The gradual power of math is prevailing.
  7. I was hoping a hundred other cyclists gathered around and the the 6 foot guy pulled out a grenade and boom.
  8. Most on this board are Bills fans so it is hard to pick an underrated player among us. Nationally I'd say Brown, Hyde, and Allen are the most underrated but Allen has people who love him. The ones hating him are relentless and over the top.
  9. @GunnerBill has covered a lot of this in a fair amount of detail. Take a look. Edmunds plays a critical role in our defense, which is rated very highly. I understand he is highly regarded on this board but so are most players. The national media generally says good things during games but hardly mentions him at all when listing top players. I just don't see how he is overrated. He is most certainly a better player than Milano. That is no knock on Milano.
  10. An overrated 21yo who runs point for one of the NFL's top defenses and takes away all sorts of outlets normally open to opposing QBs? Got it.
  11. I'll just say that I think if we revisit this thread a year from now there will be a few chuckles at the notion of Edmunds being overrated.
  12. Ok that one was not the fault of the cyclist. I hope he is ok.
  13. You mean the heavier, faster vehicle causes damage to the lighter, slower one? Whooda thunk? it is sad that someone died in that incident. Bike races on highways are a dumb idea.
  14. Sound bad but if you have a video of one car vs 8 spandex mafia bicycles please feel free to post it.
  15. Prediction:. The self promotional JJ Watt manages to find his way out of Houston before game 1 of next year. Pittsburgh is my first guess.
  16. I turned off that steaming pile of a game and watched 3rd period/OT of the NHL. That was entertaining. The Texans sucked tonight. Not interesting at all.
  17. The fact that the season is still going on leaves me a little less concerned. Have they announced draft dates and next season's start?
  18. This is the Beardy McGee. Watch it run in slow motion. Beardy McGee isn't afraid of anything. Beardy McGee doesn't care if people expect him to get anything done. Beardy McGee don't give a *hit.
  19. Tim Murray was the fire starter and Botts was simply a nice guy in way over his head. There may be off ice issues and part of that may be with the Pegulas, I don't know. On the ice Tim Murray turn an embarrassment of riches into a straight up embarrassment. He did so in record time. Botts came in, correctly adopted a player development philosophy and managed to develop a grand total of zero NHL players......maybe one.
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