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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Did you just use a game 1 stat as a reason to pump the breaks on using game 1 stats?
  2. That is what it seems like to me. He missed one kick and came close to missing another in his career debut and boom.
  3. Do people that have logic on their side in a fact based discussion normally resort to personal attacks or is it the the people struggling to make their case?
  4. Tied for 5th cousin. The gross stuff was the shabe udder. But it keep it up if it helps you be distracted from the math that has proven you wrong.
  5. We never technically dated and that thread got a little off track. It was meant to be about gross stuff. And counting to 5, or 5.5 being called math is a bit of a stretch isn't it? Anyway, keep going. Distraction from the demonstrably ridiculous notion of communicative intelligent aliens is probably the best available strategy. Lord knows reality will not help convince anyone.
  6. An experiment can start with Denver and Indy who can mount tiny equine noggins on the top of their goalposts. One eye can be a camera looking toward the other post and the other eye can be the laser pointing straight up. I swear when I was watching the game they showed a replay view from beneath. I said.....wait a second......I never saw that angle again. Am I remembering it wrong?
  7. There is an old QB named Fitz He's not great but he never quits @Joe in Winslow should know we'd best be careful so We're not chopped into little square bits
  8. I didn't because I had one. It seemed like a good idea at the time but it was a piece of crap. Of course it broke during the worst rainstorm of the year.
  9. With Celine Dion as your national sex symbol I can't imagine. Well, I don't want to imagine.
  10. Don't be salty because I'm right and you're a wishful thinker. What I have shown has very little to do with this, if anything. As far as this thread goes, I think it would be really cool if there is some life in the Venusian atmosphere. It is one of the more likely places in the solar system where it could exist.
  11. I think the anthem was the only part of the game when he was standing.
  12. The color of the field is nice though. Like an Oakland A's green.
  13. Does only 90% of the area between the uprights count?
  14. Philips Rivers took his one score 2 minute warning drives to Indy.
  15. As much as I like what the Bills are doing, how does Gase have a job?
  16. Gable Davis has a career 3 yard per reception average. Bust
  17. Manning - one of the all times greats with a bad neck joining a stacked team as the final piece. Flacco - a QB who had moderate to good success with a bad neck joining a not so good team as a 2nd or third stringer.
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