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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. That's clearly written through your prism.
  2. I don't think you should be banned for that but I'm wondering if you can explain the difference between that and what DR's ban was based upon.
  3. Agreed on the owner's rights. He can ban someone for being bald if he wants. Geno disappears for long stretches at times. Dude, you're a lefty. That's cool. But what you just posted above is something written through your prism. I don't agree with everything DR has posted but that isn't what's been cited as the reason he's been banned. A lot of what DR posts is controversial but the Deep State stuff has come with a lot of documentation and a lot of predictions that have come true and some that are waiting for the 12th. Meanwhile there is a thread about how cops across the US are an organized terrorist threat. That thread is left alone and apparently hasn't caught your attention at all. I support leaving the the police thread alone, along with DR's because I think people should make their own judgements. For you to decide what is crazed and what should be left alone is contrary to the whole point of having a board to begin with, especially regarding politics. And if you can't see in 5 minutes which posters are bots I don't know what to say about that.
  4. This is what I don't understand. Any research at all would show that. It's here every day. I'm not sure why these rules are applied selectively. It's either a moderated board or it's not. I support the largely unmonitored concept but whatever the rules are, they should be applied equally.
  5. I'll agree with you on two small parts of this otherwise seemingly purposely deceptive post. 1. It is a private site and its owner has full rights to do what he wants. 2. DR flew off the handle verbally and taken in isolation the post to TFR looked bad. The rest of your post is trash and if you were banned for something similar, you wouldn't be happy. The main board has different rules than this side and that is how it's designed. With that said, 1000 threads in here would have been "merged" under the rules of the main board. 950 of them are from lefty trolls. That was DR's main complaint in the offended NYG thread. He was right about that but could have handled it differently. The thread topic itself, given its content, was either designed to troll, or completely inane.....your pick. Just about every poster on here has said something impolite. If you look at DR's post in a vacuum it seems more than impolite. If you look at it in context, all it does is expose the whiny nature of the lefties holding their breath until they get their way. He has had hundreds of posts targeting either him or his content in very sophomoric fashion....well sophomore is 10th grade so I'm being kind there. Maybe he shouldn't have snapped back but he did. Sorry buttercup. I support the largely unmonitored nature of this board. That even extends to people making threads about police being a terrorist group based on their own hatred. All threads like that one do are help expose the truth about the topic and the OP. If we're going to support crap like that thread we ought to be able to tolerate someone flying off the handle after being baited continuously. But congrats to you and the other lefties for whining enough to get DR banned. You can take your fingers out of your ears and stop singing la la la now.
  6. DR is subtle? That's an interesting take.
  7. You think you're being subtle when you talk down to people and I find that hysterically funny. You're calling for civility while at the same time insinuating that people beneath you are incapable of your standards because you think you are so much smarter than most.
  8. Only you can do that. You're the betterer maker.
  9. And as long as this community has your high fallutin standards we'll all be better off. What we have done without you to tell us all how we should behave?
  10. That's a little strong IMO but he is a major snowflake. A lot of people grow up though and he might someday.
  11. Who defines civil? Oh, that's right it's you.
  12. Dude your definition of civil is everyone agreeing with your takes on Covid.
  13. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  14. I totally agree with the above @SDS Does anyone know what DR's supposed offense was? I can understand the gif posting morons being left to post here. But if that is going to be tolerated, how is it that someone who posts actual content gets banished continuously? On other parts of the board, IMO, the people that are hypersensitive about Covid in particular are always putting subtle little holier than though comments in anything remotely related but dare push back on them a little and boom. I totally get discouraging Covid talk on the football side and also get how hard that must be given the Titans, Cam, etc. I feel bad for the board policy makers. It's impossible. But on this side of the board there should a lot of leeway and there simply hasn't been. There is some hyper sensitive lib mod who either doesn't look into what the trolls do constantly or doesn't care.
  15. Sorry we don't have a monopolistic razor company in our back yard like you. I suspected the sky might be blue and water might be wet.
  16. This song has currently been banned during the pandemic. Come back later. Is she really going out with him. Joe Jackson.
  17. With the craziness and attention this draws from every imaginable direction, the one positive I see is that the distraction may help Adam Gase keep his job.
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