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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I read a different quote before I read the one you cut and paste above. I don't agree with his approach but it was clear to me he wanted to "spread the word" about TBD. To me it did not read like hacking, physical harm, doxxing or anything of the sort. It read like he wanted to get enough people off the site so it would lose revenue. He wanted more than 5 or 10. I don't think it would work but the "plan" seemed clear to me. What is unclear to me is why you seem to want to "correct" the way I've interpreted what he wrote. Why do you feel that need? I've told you I don't feel the same way as him regardless of whichever interpretation is correct.
  2. He's at least guilty of being redundant then.
  3. I didn't even know viruses had sheds. What do they put in there?
  4. I didn't interpret it as physical harm when I first read it. I interpreted the "personal" as being a result of financial ramifications of site ownership and a result of some sort of boycott or similar. Although I would not participate in, advocate or encourage that, in fact I'd discourage it, I view that as his right to do. If it is harm outside the site, that is on a personal level, then I'm not sure you'd ask what I thought. Who could support that? Being honest, I read it as site related harm, which again I don't support, and I thought his explanation was pretty clear. He was saying hit him in the pocketbook which I find to be folly at best and vindictive at worst. I honestly can't see how you saw it as anything else and to me it looks like you were trying to twist his words and make something I found silly look like something sinister. Just being honest.
  5. Had to look but found it. I'm curious why my opinion on that matters but whatever. Are you going to ask my opinion on why people in the UFO thread can't grasp math? Here goes: Similar to SDS' right to do whatever he chooses with this site, that poster has the right to vote with his feet. He seems to feel SDS is squelching speech here or denigrating certain viewpoints. I do understand the points he made about what SDS said but view them in a similar way that I view what SDS said about the situation here. I think he viewed SDS' comments in a spotlight rather than a floodlight. TYTT still has the right to decide though and he has the general right to share his thoughts. I'm not sure about sharing his thoughts about the site on the site.....I don't think that is what I'd do, but it's SDS' site so he'll allow what he'll allow. Personally I won't be leaving because the owner excercises his rights as the owner. Even if I left I wouldn't advocate a boycott or something else to hurt SDS. That is my choice to make for myself but not for anyone else. That is up to every individual. With DR gone and others potentially on the way out though, I can certainly see the potential to lose interest in the politics side. Without naming names, there are posters on here whose next original thought will be their first. Why would I peruse a board full of that? Why would I choose to read a thread stating all police are terrorists hell bent on killing black people if it is full of people that simply accept that ridiculous premise? I think most of my posts are on this side but in reality I'm more interested in the Bills side. I do more reading there but less posting. OTW is for fun and it usually is fun. If this board disappears, politics will leak into the main board and hurt it. It will just naturally happen. That doesn't need anyone advocating it or being against it. I think that's why PPP even became a thing. Edit:. I now see where you two are going back and forth in the other thread. I didn't see all of that before. I haven't seen it all yet I'm sure. I just saw one post before I typed the above. If TYTT is advocating "hurting" SDS by boycott and/or word on the street it's not something I'd do or advocate but TYTT can do what he wants as it is his right. I'm not a fan of posting it on the very site he wants to hurt but that is up to SDS to allow or disallow. If the "hurt" has implied anything physical or beyond the "walls" of this site I think that is out of line.
  6. So I was probably right about the serial killer thing.
  7. I was just joking. Sorry if I hit a nerve somehow. That certainly won't stop Mr. Self Promotion himself from trying.
  8. Just my take: 1. You're the boss and that's that. Nobody has the right to carte blanche or anything else. You seem interested in listening to the rest of the story so I'll proceed. 2. DR lashed out at TFR and I don't think TFR was the right recipient even though I happen to disagree with most of what he posts and don't find him particularly well informed. Unlike others I haven't noticed him being purposefully deceitful. I didn't take him for someone who would complain and find it sad that someone would feel the need to step in and complain on his behalf. 3. Friends of DR may not have called for DR to relax nor did they call for anyone on the "other side" to be banned as far as I'm aware. There are absolutely posters that have come to this forum fairly recently with nothing to offer and simply to agitate. There are at least a few of those that I have never seen post on the football board even once. I'm not naming names but one in particular is an obvious case and a search of his posting history would instantly reveal this without any shadow of a doubt. There are some others that "argue" with inane crap constantly but have been around for a while and a third group who disagree with what might be seen as substance by some and idiocy by others. DR made the mistake of lashing out at all, maybe more importantly at a poster from the third category. Personally I don't care about any of the above three categories....let them all stay...but category one has unquestionably been hounding DR for a long time and contributing nothing at all. 4. Whoever complained ....not hard to figure out IMO....to whom.....also not hard to figure out.....did so from their own point of view which ignored all the crap DR has been taking and focused on TFR, where DR was at least partially misdirecting his ire. If the complaint was about DR's response to a different poster your search would have led you to a far different conclusion. Why did this person not also complain about the people badgering DR which is undeniable? My guess is politics, which is the whole point of this board. Now there is a spotlight instead a floodlight. Within either a spotlight or a floodlight DR acted improperly to TFR. Using the floodlight there is more context. To me it should be either leave it all alone or look using the floodlight. The spotlight approach is dangerous. It lets whiny people decide what is civil and what is over the line. They inevitably view civility through the lens of their own political beliefs....everyone does to an extent. To me it is ok to be uncivil in here. It is preferable to stick to substance, politeness or poking fun than to be rude but I don't get to decide how other people act and I'm fine with that. 5. When in doubt see rule 1. Nobody is forced to be here if they don't like how things are handled. Edit:. I just saw the banned usernames thread and although I still don't want to name names, at least part of point 3 above is covered by that thread.
  9. Butker missed a XP and then almost missed another. After each he drilled the ensuing kickoff 75 yards through the middle of the uprights.
  10. Just spitballing here. Is it possible that he was acting like a douche bag within the building?
  11. 1 team having issues for multiple weeks sure makes things very tough. They can't let the Titans get multiple games played behind the rest of the league.
  12. McD's mask was upside down in the second half. I hope he isn't suspended too.
  13. Just MO but I understand the rationale of the first parts of your post. I also agree that in a vacuum, or through a soda straw DR's posts were caustic. I feel like there are two things that didn't make there way through the soda straw: 1. DR has been constantly baited by a series of new posters that offer no content whatsoever. They seem to have literally created IDs just to badger primarily him and by extension anyone that agrees with any political opinions they don't share. That is what is different than it was in the years you weren't on here. There used to be lefties on here that put in well reasoned thoughts like Kelly and even Pasta. There are still a few but they are harder to find. Kelly, Pasta, etc. and some conservatives as well have been replaced by posters who I won't name but whose histories are searchable and clearly not meant to contribute to any conversation. "Back in the day" discussions got heated and there was name calling. There really weren't a lot of people randomly posting nonsensical gifs meant solely to disrupt. I find the banishing of DR understandable in a soda straw, but not really if its isolated to just him when others are far worse. Basically he snapped. It's like the guy drawing a 5 minute major because the ref didn't see the opponent continually slashing. I'm not saying TFR was the slashing offender necessarily but there are several. I don't know from whom the 5-6 reports complaining about DR came from but I'd guess that there is a good chance that they came from people that have either baited him in the past or simply don't agree with him politically and who would not lodge a similar complaint about an offender with whom they agree politically. 2. I think that the existence of PPP has likely saved you a lot of headaches over the years because there is an outlet to remove political talk from the main board or have it not show up in the first place. I think you'd agree that most political threads started over the last several years on the main board were by people unaware of PPP. Posters here, left or right, don't really do that as near as I can tell. There is a big difference in moving a thread or comment to PPP versus just deleting it. Not all of the stuff would make its way from PPP to the main board, but some would. And it would be a giant unsolvable pain. I'm not saying you deserve that because you don't. But it would be inevitable. I'll summarize by saying that none of this is your fault and I'm guessing that everyone understands that. I think that a quick fix through one soda straw, in any situation, is not commonly going to make the problems go away even though that is unfortunate. At the end of the day though it is your board. There is no question about that nor should there be.
  14. Not sure who it is but 100% sure it's a past or future serial killer.
  15. Have you seen any libs saying identical things to righties? Hint:. You won't have to scroll back very far.
  16. On the weekend do you drive down to your local cesspool to take in the smells? If not, could you apply the same actions to this site? Would it be difficult? It is my guess that if PPP were deleted that politics from both sides would leak into the main board far more frequently and make the mods jobs there harder than they are now.
  17. If it were up to you, would you apply this same standard to someone who has declared police all to be cogs in a terrorist organization?
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