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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. There is still a chance we'll be the second worst team tonight if the Braves blow this.
  2. So is he a street free agent or does he have to clear waivers? Giants would be hilarious on many levels.
  3. I don't think the Bills took the Titans lightly. We got jerked around all week having to prepare for two opponents and having the schedule changed multiple times to accommodate a team that purposely broke rules and the league backed them up and instructed the broadcasters to kiss their butts all night. We were also missing two big pieces on D and one on O and got ourselves in a hole with a drop by a receiver that would not ordinarily have been in the game plan. A game like like this is part of the growth process for any team that wants to climb the ladder. I'm still confident we will but this won't be the last bad game. I definitely want to play the Titans in the playoffs. 100%
  4. It's like North Korean newscasters talking about Kim Jung Un.
  5. Not only have the Titans received zero punishment for blatantly disregarding the rules, the announcers are making them out as heroes and every marginal call goes their way.
  6. WTF is with the party line of no practices or in person meetings when they have friggin pictures of it?
  7. Newsflash: They practiced anyway and got caught and now Goodell is praising them.
  8. It's like 1984 with all the comments on how they were texting each other and how hard it was for them. They have PICTURES of them practicing together. WTF?
  9. Goodell actually said that nobody on the Titans knowingly broke any rules? They have friggin pictures for Pete' sake. What a joke.
  10. Is everything that you ignore due to wishful thinking "faulty"?
  11. Is it just me or do Brees and Payton seem at odds talking to each other?
  12. I do not believe ghosts exist but, unlike aliens, they cannot be disproven. I should clarify that I don't believe ghosts can be seen/detected by humans, which is technically different than existence in general. I have no opinion either way on existence.
  13. Honestly at this point I think a deleted tweet from a weatherman has more credibility than the NFL when it comes to truthfulness.
  14. At this point I have no reason to believe that the NFL will tell the truth about tomorrow's tests.
  15. I read some guys were throwing up and others were crying.
  16. Although not televised I've read that Bridgewater's was far worse than all of them which is hard to imagine. I find myself rooting for him all the time.
  17. I was thinking it was a weird play call in that spot.
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