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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. If you take a step back the running posters weren't ignored in the end. They got exactly what they wanted to the letter.
  2. It's that stupid song by those dumb guys.
  3. I haven't had the chance to read Cuomo's book yet. Has anyone else?
  4. The Redhead from SanDiego thought so I guess but that seems a little off topic.
  5. Same as the decision making process for the last 20 years. Whatever helps the Patrots.....
  6. This is a detailed and accurate assessment of the situation. Less detailed but equally accurate: Bon Jovi is a lying douche.
  7. Jon Anderson? If not my next guess would be Anne Hathaway.
  8. I understand how you arrived at this, but IMO it simply won't work. Can you name the most frequented club on the board? I can't. I can't name any club. That alone is meaningless but PPP serves a purpose beyond what has been discussed here. IIRC it started or at least gained momentum when politics started being discussed on the main board. Before long it became easy to say "take it to PPP" or simply transfer a thread. At this point most people know from the get go. With no PPP or ability to find a club, you seriously don't think someone will try to post something about all cops being terrorists after some controversial future event? How does that work with clubs it no PPP? Do you honestly think that in 2020 that won't happen? I'd say it actually still does. You have pretty clear rules about Covid on the main board but IMO people try to subtly work in partially political takes there. I've been annoyed by some and sucked in.....sorry, I'm trying to not be sucked in. Shut down this board and you'll be back to square 1. It might not all come back day one, but it will come back to at least some extent. I agree that it's difficult and I really don't think I know the answer but I'm being honest when I say I don't think the club thing will work long term and that removing PPP will ultimately harm the main board.
  9. It makes them bad at math but not necessarily a conspiracy theorist. Edit: Although often intertwined UFOs are not technically the issue with math. The notion of intelligent aliens is the folly.
  10. Either Michelle Obama or Olivia Newton John. Not sure.
  11. Lay low for a bit then you can claim either the Bills made a horrible signing or your Pats made a great one. Getting involved too early can define the narrative. Why put yourself behind the eight ball?
  12. Anne Hathaway from Anne and the Hermits
  13. Is all plastic and cardboard bad or just stuff marketed as magical?
  14. It was probably the dog. My hamster Sammy does crap like that all the time.
  15. Would you consider a Senator being in the building but not coming to the room and questioning via Zoom an act of "arrogance" or "attitude"?
  16. Either Joe Walsh, Carrot Top or Damon Wayans.
  17. Watching a few interviews it seems unlikely that Hall will get drunk and run over a Tim Horton's.
  18. Don't mention him. We're supposed to hate him like we're supposed to hate Murphy.
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