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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. On what basis should she recuse herself?
  2. I was going to request more specifics in a PM but since you've made this general, I thought this might be a better place. Can you link to or quote the portion of the TOS that addresses "FIFY" type posts? My two cents on this currently is that it seems very hypersensitive, almost pathetic. Scratch the almost. This board just went through a long thread about how some things were handled. A large part of the thread was a discussion of the crap the board owner has to deal with. Fast forward to this thread and you're warning everyone not to subject you to lame jokes that literally hundreds of posters have encountered for years. Unlike you, they knew how to deal with. Further, your claims of potential harm caused by this childish yet common type of post are incredibly easy to refute as well as simply remedied. I think it is an intersting choice on your part to create a thread based in hypersensitivity and propose a remedy which is sensitive in no way whatsoever to the site owner who has clearly explained what a pain in the neck complaints like those threatened cause. On a secondary note I'm curious as to why you're so upset about people altering your words but not the words of others. I wouldn't expect you to go searching for incidents, but if you happen across a misquote of someone else, why not issue warnings and complaints about those too? I'm looking forward to the specific wording in the TOS that we need to avoid. Thanks in advance.
  3. Update: I received my warning PM from SoTear. It was precisely as pathetic and sad as his OP made it sound. Further updates to follow.
  4. Is there a more smug prick on the planet than Cody Bellinger?
  5. TOS lol. If that particular part of the TOS were enforced most people would be gone from all of these boards. But by all means SoTear and the boys can whine for selective enforcement.
  6. Agreed. More childish yet is reporting someone who does it to moderators. Mommy! Billy called me a poopy head.
  7. This is a hoax. I have GvG and know for a fact that the big guy does not give predictions or tell the future.
  8. It has no data on whether control of the moon would mean control of the Earth. It has, however, proven there are no intelligent communicative aliens on the moon. Why would the moon be different than the rest of the universe?
  9. By 2048 if there are enough Senate/WH flips, all 330 million of us will be SC justices. Whoop de do. Packing off the Supreme Court makes it permanently subservient to the other two branches by definition.
  10. I agree that FIFY is lame, dumb and overused. How whiny would someone have to be to not only cry about it but to start a thread crying about it and threaten to turn people in to the mods? It's so fragile it makes Marquise Goodwin's tenure with the Bills look like Cal Ripken's tenure with the Orioles. SoTear should dry his eyes, roll his eyes and move on.
  11. It happens in every corner of this place. Main board, OTW, PPP, everywhere. It has probably happened to 90% of the people on all of those boards. It happens in a joking manner, as a way of making a counter argument, albeit often lame, and lots of other ways. A lot of people do it from all political persuasions and football opinions. I've probably done it, but not a lot as I find it pretty goofy so on that I agree with the OP. I'm not sensitive enough about my opinions to be afraid of any particular type of counter argument. The OP is apparently hypersensitive. The premise that anyone would read a post that says FIFY and assume the quote above hadn't been altered defies logic. If there is an issue or complaint to be had it would be with the software that allows quotes to be altered. It is board wide. To take that personally and threaten people with complaints to moderators is silly and sad. How fragile does one have to be? I'm telling mommy. Nanny nanny woo woo. For the record I haven't received my PM warning yet. I wonder if he went straight to the mods breaking his own iron clad rule.
  12. Still no updates in all of hose petabytes of data?
  13. Perhaps you haven't wandered into the UFO thread? If you're on a loon hunt that's a great place.
  14. Has anyone ever seen a reverse survivor pool where you have to pick a team to lose every week and can only use teams once each? That seems like it would be fun.
  15. I wouldn't say that. I think they are simply following instructions no matter how silly or ridiculous those instructions are. That's a cool picture you uploaded....great photography, but a better description might be: There are overlaps with snowflakes but it isn't really the same thing.
  16. I knew all along that once the Pats weren't on top of the league the stands would be bereft of chowderheads and here we are.
  17. Can't believe this league goes to such lengths to prevent players from leading with the helmet yet here are the Rams with their logo that clearly promotes it. More hypocrisy.
  18. Interesting that my assessment of Luck was spot on in that he was decent but did not turn out to be anywhere near the GOAT he was touted for years to be. Greatest prospect in football history. You'll still hear it today from time to time.....T Lawrence is the best prospect since Andrew Luck.... Now his career is over it can be said that he never lived up to that hype or came close to it. Of course if you do say it people will still say you're wrong even though it has been incontrovertibly proven correct. His weird cult lives. The flip side in some ways is Josh Allen. If he wins five Super Bowls I promise you some will still say "even though he wasn't an accurate passer". People are weird.
  19. Watched the Sea/Az game last night. They played for 3+ hours and it went to OT. The captains wore masks at midfield for the coin flip. Shirley they can't be serious with that crap.
  20. They had one bad run play. The rest went for chunks.
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