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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. OMG even after a lackluster career that has ended, Andrew Luck is still being worshipped. Yes, Luck was touted as the greatest prospect ever. That much is true. That said, it is pointless to compare Lawrence as a prospect to Luck as a prospect. Prospect by definition means the results remain unknown. Does Lawrence project as the next Tom Brady in terms of results? If so he goes number one easily. Does he project as Luck In terms of results and go in the 2nd or 3rd round? Sam Bowie was a better prospect than Michael Jordan. That no longer matters.
  2. As a public service to your American friends can you translate "clapped out" from British into regular English?
  3. That's quite an efficient operation they're running there. We should know something by the 12th or so.
  4. These clues scream Prince but that dude does not look like Prince to me,.
  5. That was a legit penalty on Carolina but the guy that Burns beat tackled him and injured him with no call.
  6. It might be Darius Rucker.
  7. I understand that in terms of the 15 yards but to me a DQ for something unintentional is weird. If they DQEd the guy that kicked TB I'd be all for that.
  8. Me too. I thought the DQ was harsh because I wasn't sure of the intent there. The trip that set the whole thing up was dirty as heck.
  9. Court packing literally renders a branch of government moot and that is far more consequential than just about any of the other worry.
  10. This isn't an official guess but do you know if Anne Hathaway is Jewish?
  11. I'm not sure why that seemed so easy to me when most of them don't. I almost didn't answer because it seemed to easy to be true.
  12. It's bad enough at PPP already without you stirring up the whole Flutie vs. Johnson thing again.
  13. The left's definition of fair share has always been easily defined with one word: More
  14. That's not Lynda Carter is it?
  15. If there was any conflict it would be undue influence of the exec on the legis. She had no ability to impact her own confirmation nor did Trump. It was in the hands of the Senate.
  16. In what loony world? Trump stated his opinion. The Senate confirmed her.....not Trump. She most certainly did not confirm herself. Any appearance of impropriety would be based on SC judges "owing" something to those who nominated and confirmed them. What would be the expiration date on that? Would Sotomayor have to recuse because she knows what Obama thinks about a case?
  17. The brief also points out that the judicial rules governing lower federal court judges require recusal based on how his or her “participation in a given case looks to the average person on the street.” The standard is whether participation in a case might cause a reasonable person with knowledge of the circumstances to “harbor doubts about the judge’s impartiality.” That is certainly the case here. How did Trump rush the confirmation process? Also I have Josh Allen on my fantasy football team. Can you explain why he didn't get credit for the 6 field goals last week? I should have won my game but I lost.
  18. On what basis should she recuse herself?
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