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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. This guy that plays John kills it every time. This should be a good episode.
  2. Wait a minute. Did Dunucci leave Pitt because he got beat out by Peterman?
  3. Draftniks were correct about pretty much all if these receivers in the 2020 draft. KJ Hamler is the latest addition. Nothing from Denzel Mims yet I guess. About 100 guys look good including our guy.
  4. Wilson faked a slide and drew a penalty. Joke
  5. That seemed pretty dumb as did the clapping as if the penalty was on the Saints.
  6. I know the Saints guy did something on a prior play but Wims might get suspended until 2052. Geez
  7. You need to get the pitchforks. Just get in line. Oh and when Milano blows a play please just ignore it.
  8. Lol about Edmunds. Milano got abused on one play I remember but I guess I'm supposed to UN-see that. On Klein we agree.
  9. Riots cannot spread the virus. Only church spreads the virus.
  10. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but let's face facts. Anyone living to 100 has probably smelled like gravy for a while so how would they know the difference?
  11. If that Buffalo had Raisin Bran for breakfast that poor dog is in harm's way.
  12. I mean yes she could use a tan but your pun is outright mean.
  13. Update:. SoTear has posted 10 times since the above appeared. Pronoun has not responded in this thread or in PM to my TOS inquiry. I know prounoun's words be pronoun's but pronoun hasn't answered so I thought I'd throw this open. Can anyone show where the TOS deems an FIFY type post a violation? Thanks in advance.
  14. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but if this dude is really 107 he must be drooling like crazy. Still HBD.
  15. Not to nit pick but I thought he was probably better known for SNL Jeopardy than Bond. Either way RIP.
  16. Update:. Due to SoTear either not seeing or ignoring my request for the TOS provision about FIFY posts, I've sent him a PM requesting it. My own review of the TOS did not uncover anything about this topic. Stay tuned.
  17. If it goes the way you want/predict you could almost call it would be a sort of revolution based on a changing culture.
  18. Still no link or quote about the TOS provision FIFY violates?
  19. If I'm in a baseball discussion I'll have to remember to compare every pitcher to Brien Taylor. That'll make sense.
  20. I remember that. Very sad that he has passed.
  21. Whichever team drafts Lawrence will probably be more interested in how his career goes than how much of a prospect he was. If they are doing comparisons, they are not comparing to anyone's pre-draft analysis, they are comparing to potential results. Do you think NBA teams would rather draft the next Bowie or Jordan?
  22. At leas NFL overtimes are safe because they wear masks to the coin flips.
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