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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Both teams trying to blow it in crunch time.
  2. I love the picture thread and hope it keeps going but thought I'd try something new too. The person who is "it" thinks of a famous person. Anyone can ask a question about that person and whoever is "it" answers. Use all the clues and guess or ask another question. There is no limit on questionsbut two incorrect guesses and you're out of that round. Whoever correctly guesses first is the new "it". I'll start. I'm thinking of a person. Edit:. "Person" can be real or a character, including animated characters but they have to be famous.
  3. I was going to guess Liberace. Many similarities.
  4. It looked to me that he never really had control of the ball at all. One hand on one tip of the ball and the other hand on the other with the ball twisting around the whole time. Very weird reversal.
  5. It's not like we have a QB as good as Duck Dodgers. Of course everyone thought we would run.
  6. What happened to this show? It turned awesome.
  7. Harbaugh to Dallas would be 12D chess level funny.
  8. The rate at which we're learning about the universe and its components I staggering. Just this week there are new discoveries about distant dark matter, galactic cores, individual molecule types on Venus and Titan and much more. I'll give you three guesses at something for which zero evidence has been found. Go.
  9. To be fair, Milano whiffs plenty when healthy.
  10. Also he took Michigan from bad to hopeless.
  11. Why does his elbow need to be in if his hand was already in?
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