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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Alien believers have seemingly exhausted all attempted end runs around the math. Still, there is still too much money to be made on this crap for it to go away yet.
  2. Get out of here with that Bon Jersey crap.
  3. That way one of them can make the finals
  4. Odds update on the IQ test everyone. Johnny is plus 20.5 Money line has him at plus 280, 2nd grader is -340.
  5. Whatever on pro bowl nods. He is far better than Thielen. That's a joke. Agreed on Reed and Moulds was tremendous too. Let's hope we can argue about this in three years because it will mean a lot of good things have happened. I absolutely love Diggs so far. I knew he was good...but he's actually great and far tougher than I thought.
  6. I think you got the first one right.
  7. Pasta is up. FWIW I thought the screw job had to be the Mercury Morris fumble game.
  8. Did his team get screwed or did it benefit from the screwing?
  9. If you can't answer a basic third nipple question why even pick that person? Is the sports involvement ownership?
  10. Is this full season thus far? Trubisky, Goff, Darnold, Rivers, Cam on any list of 2020 positives is simply a joke irrespective of Allen. How are those guys ahead of Ben R, Murray, Brees?
  11. Is the fame drawn from sports originally?
  12. Interestingly, although I don't know everything about Wall-E's life story, I'm not sure anything has technically eliminated him yet. Oh, wait, the hair. Is this guy's fame drawn from something sports related?
  13. "And well" implies this is a hot chick. Is this a hot chick?
  14. Dang. Usually my hunches are good. Does ws this person have hair?
  15. Is it Wall-E from the movie Wall-E?
  16. I think we should pick this guy.
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