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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I know Vrabel didn't grow up in New England but my God he looks like such a chowderhead.
  2. Most of the teams playing at the moment suuuuuuuuuuuck.
  3. Known for sports but not an athlete, reporter or journalist. All I've got is an agent. Drew Rosenhaus?
  4. Top show I've ever streamed. It gets better and better.
  5. Pretzel logic if I've ever seen it. And if Wolf Blitzer is your living Buffalo piece of Americana you will be officially banned from this thread.
  6. Dude I hate to shatter your last bit of naïveté but those are not real, they are cartoons. On the plus side this means Bambi's mom did not really die.
  7. Idiot. Disney did not have animals as part of his entertainment.
  8. OMG with the Americana. Is this guy even lower on the scale than the puppet talking commie?
  9. Did any part of the entertainment animals?
  10. Strike two for you. Bye for now. Lex's brother? No. Strike one. He did have a heroic profile that overlapped MLK's. Not from the same background though. He preceded MLK.
  11. Neither. Male. Dead. And although true pieces of Americana personified is a list that IMO includes only John Wayne and Liberace, if there were a third this guy would deserve strong consideration. He would certainly rank thousands of places higher than that radio ventriloquist dude. Strike one
  12. No. Was never "regularly" on television but if born later and followed the same life trajectory, would have been on television a lot more. Strike one
  13. Ok, if anyone else's hamster woke them up at around 3AM, I'm thinking of a person.
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