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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The girl who lost her comb?
  2. One word sums up all of the above: Arbitrary You can add subjective if you'd like. Neither is good. The scheduling stuff may be consistent but it is entirely unfair. I just read that Dobbins and Ingram who would have been otherwise unable to play are now able due solely to the deference given to the cheating team by the NFL. Denver had to play without a QB. Advantage: cheating
  3. Classy. You are, of course, wrong about the NFL having a consistent and understandable overall policy. If you understood it you would have simply stated the punishments the Ravens will face. You'd have done so with specificity. Instead you sling insults. You don't know what the Ravens punishments will be because the NFL is making it up as they go along. Some of your comparisons between the Broncos/Ravens scheduling are well explained. They are consistent. That doesn't make them reasonable or fair because they aren't. But they're consistent. They are also designed in a way where the NFL can use partial data to paint whatever picture they want.
  4. Tolstoying the explanation doesn't make The NFLs approach a good policy. It actually shows how difficult is is to understand. Any sound policy can be explain succinctly. You can claim consistency all you want as the NFL continues to change the day of the same game multiple times. If a jurisdiction has a policy of the electric chair for someone who steals gum from the 7-11 and ten minutes probation at the time of the culprit's choosing for burning down their neighbor's house, that is consistent, but bad. But IMO you'd really have to be drinking a lot of Gaslight Grape flavored Koolaid to say the policy is consistent whe the punishments for what the Ravens and Titans have done are described in vague terms like "harsh" and "hammered" rather than being understandable pre-described specific penalties such as "loss of a pick in round x for violation type a", "fine of $x for violation type b", but there isn't any of that. IYHO is that really consistent?
  5. I agree and there is nuance in everything but on one play Brady threw a pass off a DL's helmet and Romo went on for a minute about how Mike Evans screwed up the play.
  6. It's a load. Titans literally held practices and were photographed by HS kids and the NFL swept it under the rug and went along with Tenn's pleas of ignorance. That was a joke as every fan knew this was not allowed but the NFL decided to gaslight instead. Baltimore had coaches concealing information and purposely avoiding rules and got a reprieve. Denver QBs had a sandwich and the hammer came down. It's a complex situation with a lot of moving parts and that makes it hard to act with consistency. Add the fact the NFLs "punishments" are described with vague terms like 'harsh" rather than specific penalties like "forfeit" or "loss of round x draft pick" and you've got a recipe for what you're looking at now. Denver had to play without a QB. Baltimore should have to play without getting back any player that would have been unable to go on Thursday or afterward, but they will get some back. Tenn got AJ Brown back for their games against us and Pitt due to the delay they caused and a bunch of other teams had their schedules switched around. The more a team has ignored rules, the more the NFL has been forced to bend over. And bend over they have.
  7. He tried to deflect the ball, and it was physically impossible to stop. He grazed him. I get the technicality but come on.
  8. Also he doesn't know his way around the stadium yet so he couldn't find Goff's hand to shake it.
  9. He bounced it off a lineman's helmet and they blamed Evans.
  10. Denver's new QB Hinton? Technically not dead yet but I still think it might be him.
  11. I always thought that was James Earl Jones. Sounds EXACTLY like him. RIP
  12. Makes no sense. The Jets are bad. They played the Chiefs on the road. You can't sY the Ciefs don't have a home find advantage because the Jets are bad. The Chiefs do have a home field advantage IMO. The Jets ineptitude erases whatever advantage they may gain fro being at home. They are just bad.
  13. Why not just explain how home field means nothing by using stats of the Falcons punter? Forget the Jags and NFCE. Just take out the Jets home games and the home field advantage magically reappears.
  14. It almost looks like the league is helping out the Ravens and Schefter is the broom sweeping it under the rug huh?
  15. I didn't saying anything at all about the Bills and this has nothing to do with Singletary or Allen.
  16. Shirley you can't be serious with fines as a "punishment". And if the NFL was rule bound as you state, we would already know the specific potential punishments based on findings. But we don't, do we? Does that sound rule bound or arbitrary to you? "Big" fines and undisclosed draft picks is vague, not specific. I think the Broncos messed up by not giving a QB the Fromm treatment. It is unfortunate that this could result in an injury to one of their players today. They are primarily culpable because of their mistake, but the league is holding their feet to the fire. Baltimore, who is egregiously in knowing violation of rules, has been afforded more leeway by the league than Denver. They were supposed to play Thursday. They were responsible for their own inability to do so. They should have been forced to forfeit. Instead they have put their opponent's schedule into disarray and have a better chance to win than does Denver. The league said violations of protocols would be harshly punished and that has proven to be false. 9 players positive, 13 more close contact? Or the Occum's Shaver solution that the league is making up crap on the fly and disseminating it through mouthpiece Schefter.
  17. Dude nothing I have said here has anything to do with the Bills one way or another. I simply said that I believed that even in 2020 that there is a home field advantage, even if smaller that usual. Somebody pointed out that the overall league home record is below .500 effectively stating there is a home field disadvantage. I just disagree with that.....that's all. Strip out the Jets, Jags, and NFC East home records and voila. Home field advantage. At no point did I make any statement about the Bills. I am very happy with the way the Bills season has gone and think we're a very good team.
  18. How were the Titans punished? Since you used a plural, what other teams have been punishedand how? How will the Ravens be punished? The NFL has been highly arbitrary. If they were consistent as you contend, we would all already know the Ravens supposed upcoming punishment because it would have been prescribed ahead of time. Instead it will be similar to the Pats taping the Bengals. Double secret probation nonsense. The Ravens punishment is only "outside of this discussion" because it makes your argument of the league being rule bound look completely absurd. They are making things up as they go along. The Broncos, who did not have coaches breaking rules, will be physically punished this afternoon. Players may end up hurt as a result because they are blocking for a WR playing QB and that will certainly have them improvising. Had the Broncos broken more rules there would be no such risk. And it is still not certain if or when the Ravens will have to play.
  19. What? I pointed out that the Jets, Jags and NFC East are bad. Because they are so bad, their records skew the overall home team W/L record. Of course the games should count I the real standings. I'm just saying they don't demonstrate anything about home field advantage.
  20. Denver might actually get punished for that.....unlike the Titans and Ravens.
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