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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. The Stevie game was one,. Should have won that. But we beat Duck Dodgers last year and PFF says he is better than Allen.
  2. Shanny interview post game basically said the 9ers played well but need to be almost perfect the way the Bills pkayed.
  3. You know how when a President takes office and 4 or 8 years later they look 30 years older? After Davis' touchdown, they showed Richard Sherman and he looked 52. For that, Gabe gets a game ball. BTW nice 4th round pick Beane.
  4. Shirley you can't be serious. Jeff Kent was a douche everywhere he went. And if you're implying Barry Bonds lacked talent, you are incorrect.
  5. The situation is probably too far gone but boozers aren't exactly a net positive either.
  6. They might be afraid of catching Covid from our tight ends.
  7. Neither John Wayne nor Liberace were war heroes so that us a list of zero.
  8. If you substitute this guys middle initial into a quadratic equation to solve for the value of x does it result in the first digit of the house number he grew up in ? If you change four letters of the street of his youth and add 23 more letters can you get the opening line of a movie made in 1962 about the geopolitical underpinnings of Eastern Europe before the war? Asking for a friend.
  9. Just when you though we couldn't be surrounded by any more incoherent idiots this comes along.
  10. Aliens have been marketed to us for years. It was intriguing until the notion was disproven. Now it is just boring most of the time. Some of the shows and movies can still be pretty cool.
  11. Dude what percentage of the population has both heard of Ernie Pyle and would see Dana Indiana as a solid clue? WTF are you doing?
  12. @ExiledInIllinois if you're going to frowny face my critique, the least you could do is fill in the blanks of the Chilli Peppers vowel swap out of state town. Thanks in advance.
  13. I dinstincly remember seeing irrefutable analytical evidence proving Duck Dodgers was superior to Josh Allen.
  14. Either copycats or some sort of marketing ploy. We all know what it isn’t.
  15. That has to be the worst clue I have ever seen in any game I have ever played. If you replaced his grandmas middle name with his third cousins birthday while singing happy birthday on 7th street would he be Americana? Getting back to current clues: Dead In the 90s American crappy musician who did some acting. I’m going to go with Jon Bon Jersey because he is dead to me...I think I first heard him in the 90s so that’s when he was dead to me....he was a crappy musician who did some acting. Did I get it?
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