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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Pittsburgh game is as fixed as can be. Two drives in a row 100% refs.
  2. Last drive for Pitt was all refs Whatever you do, don’t cover Kelce.
  3. Who do we cut if we pick this guy up? Even more importantly, how does he learn our system and contribute substantively with about 15 minutes of practice?
  4. Gase hitting his stride dominating playoff bound teams. 2021 could be tough in AFC East. Keep Gase.
  5. Shirley you can’t be seriously comparing Diggs and a guy who literally just quit.
  6. Sounds just like the attitude we need added to our locker and at the exact right time too. OP for GM.
  7. Tua has shown a mental toughness and strong team attitude in the games I’ve seen. He didn’t go over to the sidelines and pout last night. He was a team player. That’s about all he showed. He had the awareness of Todd Collins, the arm strength of Joey Harrington and the gunslinging mentality of glove wearing Mary himself, Trent Edwards. All of that has to change for him to get better. I’m not saying it is impossible by any means, but it is uphill.
  8. The problem with that is the teams outside the clique seem to rotate. One year it’s Boise then UCF and now Cincy. How can it be known ahead of time? I say just tell them the truth that they could be the 1927 Yankees but they are never going to be invited.
  9. They are less afraid of The Citadel. Overall, my point is the system is inherently a lie. You can’t tell a team they are in a championship system when they literally have no shot at ever being considered. It’s a joke.
  10. The reporter has the same name, Lou Merloni, as an ex Red Sox player. I wonder if it is him.
  11. Which set of teams is ducking the other? Why play Cincy, Boise, UCF, et al when you can play Citadel, Arkansas Ag and Tech, Mississippi School of the Blind, etc.? You may be right that Bama and the rest would dominate but that would only bolster my point. Saying that these schools are eligible for a championship in the current format is 100% a lie. They are not in any way eligible when no matter what they do in season they are simply mocked by the committee rather than truly considered. Every collegiate player risks injury in every sport. The extra game or games argument is a dodge. If the committee was interested in other teams qualifying, regular seasons could be shortened. Or maybe you're right and hoops should skip right to the Final Four and invite Duke every year. That would be awesome. That 64 team format is terrible. Everybody hates it. Look, I'm not saying these teams are always, usually, or even ever better than Bama, but fair is fair. If you're going to tell them they are eligible then they should be eligible. Either let them play or create an alternative where they play for a lesser title. Don't just abuse them for money and TV ratings all year then kick them to the curb like pregnant Bridget Moynihan.
  12. True. And they have Watson. Still seems unlikely to me but who knows?
  13. They are home next week I think and the Browns don't have a logo. He's good for the regular season. On topic: I'm sure someone has pointed this out but Gilmore is out for the season.
  14. If one of those plays out it will be real interesting to see who is 3 and who is 4 as well. Tons of potential combinations there. I'd rather see Indy or Pitt at 3 than Tenn or Cle I think but I also think Tenn has the tiebreaker on Indy and plays the Texans in week 17. They will prob win that.
  15. I think that is correct but the ESPN playoff machine thingy can probably confirm.
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