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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Didn’t he mostly play for Seattle? Did he grow up a chowderhead or something? He’s unprofessional. That much is for sure.
  2. The points still count. I doubt he will be that fast in three years but he is now.
  3. Initially Miami helped him grow into it a bit. Then Gase came along and boom. Can Darnold repeat this pattern? I can see him improving for sure but Talleywhacker is bigger and more mobile. He is easily a top 10 guy IMO. In no order Allen, Mahomes, Rodgers, Watson are clearly better at this point. I can see arguing for Wilson, Brees, even Brady over Tanny. After that?
  4. I think it is sad because he isn’t that bad. They don’t need to sugar coat bad plays or overstate good ones. It’s like they feel he needs their help/excuses/propping up. Tannehill is good too. One of them will lose today. They will both still be good. There isn’t shame in it.
  5. The play didn’t even count. Everything about that game has me wanting to play Tenn again. Everything went wrong. Even Kristy McNichol torched us a few times.
  6. He missed that throw so bad they needed Bob Uecker to announce it.
  7. Interesting. I thought they were named for Todd Packer.
  8. They are getting held like crazy but “The Brady Rules” are in effect.
  9. The narrative from the booth would certainly be different.
  10. There was a book about stuff like that. I forgot the name. Also went into how getting a called strike two is easier than a called strike three. It’s not universal though. That poor pitcher from Detroit got robbed of out #27 in a perfect game at home. That was a bad one.
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