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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I could see Chase, Pitts or Waddle, but Smith would have been there at 12. Didn’t realize 4th QB was regularly mocked so high. BTW I think Lance goes before Fields.
  2. Moving from12 to 6 seems like a QB move but that makes no sense because the had 3. Unless they really like a QB and are REALLY confident he will last until 6, my guess is WR. There are 3 really highly rated WRs right? Jake Lock? You’re confusing Drew Lock and Jay Clocker.
  3. I’m calling BS. I’ve been in A LOT of Fantasy Football Leagues and NOT ONE of them had a form 4473. Some of them get pretty complicated bidding on free agents and stuff but there were never any government forms.
  4. Well it definitely means SF REALLY likes at least 3 QBs. Jets pick will be interesting.
  5. Do you think whoever killed Sean Taylor is involved in this? Some sort of serial DB culprit?
  6. The whole Trubiniski/Allen thing reminds me of Haack/Borjaqueez.
  7. An inexperienced DE from PSU. What could go wrong?
  8. Except that a large number of sports teams are run by families. Every year some teams fail and some succeed. How is “family run” the reason for failure, but not success?
  9. You’ve got it all figured out and all you had to do was use sweeping generalizations.
  10. Lol. Can you see why it might be a little easier to get a top 5-7 kicker in the 6th round than maybe a top 5-7 DE, OT, WR, etc., in say the third?
  11. Obada thing man.......Obada things.
  12. You said: Bass > Oliver, Ford, Singletary, Knox, Joseph, J Johnson, D Johnson, Sweeney, Epenesa, Moss, Davis, Fromm, Hodgins and Jackson. I’ll leave Diggs out because he wasn’t a draft pick. Just to be clear, you’re saying you believe Bass is better than all of those guys?
  13. Davis was a bad pick now?
  14. Skinner is not the entire problem. Far from it. I’ve never claimed that. I’m sure there are other players with horrible metrics. Many of them are young. Few if any have careers as long and counterproductive as Skinner. Okposo may be one but you can see the effort in his game. Skinner’s effort needs improvement.
  15. Agreed, but I’d be surprised if a single advanced analytic was any kinder to Skinner than +/-. They are all designed to dig deeper, and the deeper you dig with him, the uglier it gets. Where does Seattle figure in?
  16. Then you’d be shocked. A high percentage of my Skinner posts are replies to you.
  17. Why not just list a 22 man roster? It might be competitive even if you only went with current players.
  18. If you’re looking for a Skinner crusade, a mirror would be a good start.
  19. I’m arguing that he is a bad hockey player who cares only about scoring goals. And that is exactly what he is. He has exactly zero net positive +/- ratios in his entire career and he is not going to be part of turning the organization around in a positive way. Krueger certainly had faults, but he had the right idea with Skinner.
  20. And my aunt could be my uncle. Krueger, Granato, Scotty Bowman......whoever the coach may be, Skinner is simply not good at hockey. He had a +/- of 0 last night which, if I’m not mistaken, ties his best for the season.
  21. We already drafted a non American with that cricket player who has been on the practice squad the last 10 years. No thanks.
  22. Great idea. Run Edmunds out of town at all cost. He is, after all, the new magnet for all blame.
  23. Being negative about Diggs in a Jacob Hollister thread is quite the new twist. Congrats. What’s next? The reasons why Josh Allen sucks in a thread about a punter?
  24. I only know one name of a skier that old so I’ll go with it. Jean Claude Killy. Even if correct, it is probably spelled wrong.
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