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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Dude literally has an NFL version of a perfect game under his belt. The only one in NFL history. I’m pretty sure that game was “taken over”.
  2. This is 2024. Your aunt can have ***** and still be your aunt.
  3. Step one- he knocked on the window to do exactly what you prescribed. Hill berated him…..for smudging the glass I guess. Then rolled his window back up. Step 2 - unable to do because Hill did not comply….he just started yelling. Step 3 - See step 2 I will say that when the cop said “on second thought get out of the car right now” or something similar, then they pulled Hill out of the car…..that seemed abrupt to me as the officers, at that point, could see Hill.
  4. This is really ridiculous and unnecessary. Hill had a giant GFY attitude toward the cop. Setting aside how anyone might feel about the cops actions/reactions, this statement from the team reiterates the GFY by painting Hill as some sort of victim of innocent victim who did nothing at all wrong. I have not seen any video with interactions between Campbell or Smith with police so will not comment on that but insinuating that if Hill wasn’t a football player the cop might have killed him? Really?
  5. Huh? He should be able to go 100 because nothing happened? Should he be able to drive drunk as long as nobody gets hurt too? There are speed limits on roads. He far exceeded the limit on the road. That’s all folks.
  6. Hill’s mistake was buying that racist car that went over 100MPH right in front of 26 traffic cops. The car set him up.
  7. If they did would you be on here complaining about an illegal search? Yup. But they didn’t search so now you’re on complaining about the lack of a search.
  8. A reasonable person knows the meanings of words. Hill may have perceived that he was being arrested. He soon found out that he was not arrested. He might also perceive that he is actually a cheetah, but he isn’t. In the end, it makes no difference. Reality is reality and mistaken perceptions are just that. You, on the other hand, keep arguing he was arrested. He was not. I’m not sure why you’re trying to redefine words.
  9. Do you think any cops have ever been shot by a guy who pulled out his gun while his tinted window was rolled up? But at least they were tactful while they died? Shirley. I do agree that once the window stayed open the cop had an opportunity yo calm things down. Maybe Hill would have started to do the very simple things being requested….you know like leaving his window down, and handing over license/registration.
  10. You are also not entitled to leave your tinted window rolled up.
  11. It’s possible he was released because he is rich and/or a football star, but…. The initial reason for the stop was speeding. If he simply rolled down his window and left it down he would have never been detained at all. Once the tempers settled down, he might have been released even if he wasn’t a football star. Cops should not be subjected to being blinded to whatever is going on inside a car they just pulled over. Requiring the window to be left down is in no way unreasonable.
  12. He was not arrested he was detained. Because you don’t understand or care to understand the distinction does not change the fact. Hill is an idiot. An idiot thinking something does not make that thing true.
  13. Also: that player is an insufferable douche. I’d rather have Miller.
  14. It wasn’t an arrest but by all means keep blathering.
  15. I guess we’ve figured out who the refs prefer.
  16. And then yelled at him for daring to knock on your tinted closed window. It’s not like the cop has a family to worry about or anything. He should know you’re just on the phone and wait his turn to talk to you. It’s not even remotely possible you have a gun or anything. What a paranoid jerk.
  17. No income tax in Florida Game was played in Miami Jacksonville is not the Capitol Any other theories?
  18. Incorrectly colored Michigan helmet, Montreal Canadian jerseys and khakis? What could go wrong?
  19. Savior of the universe Harrison had a pathetic drop.
  20. Have to give them credit for adjusting to Murray. The offense looked good and balanced. Arizona’s coaches made some mistakes.
  21. I’m sorry but Allen is a moron. He’s excited about a 5 yard penalty while he burned 15 seconds.
  22. The refs really should wait a few weeks to call all tricky tack crap on every team but the Chiefs. It makes for more suspense.
  23. Superman’s fumble started this crap.
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