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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. FYI Richard Rodgers is the second best TE in the NFL.
  2. You got it. I think they could make an interesting movie about him. You’re up.
  3. No. I feel like you’re thinking of Jackie Robinson. It is not him. Robinson probably had a greater impact on baseball and sports, but one could make an argument that this person did.
  4. Yes. A good player but far more notable for changing his sport....maybe all sports.
  5. Thanks for the lecture but it is misplaced. Let me also point out that your first sentence is a run on sentence, which by your own standards would render you imperfect and thus unqualified to offer an opinion. I’d prefer you stay on though, because if your standard was properly applied, no person would ever speak. In no way did I intend to imply that I am perfect and I’m not sure where you got that. I don’t keep a log but my guess is that I do at least a few selfish things every day. My guess is everyone else on the planet does too. Although I’d like to improve, I don’t think this condemns me or anyone else to burn in hell nor did I imply anything resembling that. I did not dismiss the tragic nature of other accidents, but it would have been odd to bring up trapped coal miners or someone falling off a roof while clearing ice in this thread. While I don’t disagree with your list, in my opinion driving after drinking has been a bigger issue than driving after receiving a tetanus booster. It is also something done both voluntarily and for enjoyment, unlike the other things on your list with the notable exception of texting. Driving after drinking is also pertinent to this topic. For what it’s worth, your argument has not changed my opinion that driving after even one drink is a selfish thing to do and that if no one ever did it, we might find ourselves in a better place. Anything you might read into that as some sort of judgement is an issue you’ll have to resolve. There wasn’t any in my first post and there isn’t any now.
  6. Prayers for the five year old and family. Without commenting specifically on Reid, I’ll just share my opinion that driving after having even one adult beverage is astoundingly selfish.
  7. He played half a game in garbage time. No knock on him and I hope he turns out to be Gale Sayers and Earl Campbell rolled into one, but no conclusions can be drawn from that game. Heck, the cricket guy was averaging 60+ yards per carry at one point.
  8. Jared Goff is horrible which makes him quite a bit better than Drew Lock.
  9. Do you know why there are 1000 great baseball baseball movies and zero great soccer movies? Because soccer blows.
  10. No issues. It wasn’t really you. Space Force is hyper sensitive on another topic and evidently felt the need for some strange Hail Mary.
  11. I was wrong about Carter Hutton and if SSSF wanted to point out an area where I was wrong he could have used that. Instead he took a thread where he knows I’m right and where he has long ago lost the discussion and brought it back up. It’s sad and I pointed that out. He brought it up, I didn’t.
  12. Maybe that’s a bit of a strong word. To be clear, I don’t care. Maybe “called out” is more accurate. I was 100% uninvolved in this thread and got looped in. Then something I’ve pointed out in a completely different thread gets brought into the discussion and somehow connected, despite being totally unrelated. Well, I guess you could say it’s connected if you count me being proven right on both topics....but that is a bit flimsy. It was a little weird and sad that a poster who knows he is wrong about a different topic has to “defend” his lack of clarity by “shooting the messenger” in a separate thread. He could have picked a topic on which I’ve been wrong....they exist.....I thought Carter Hutton was ok for example. Instead he chose a thread where he has been beaten down intellectually for several years, posts snide remarks and ducks for cover.
  13. Mocking someone is classless. Mocking someone who has been proven correct just to adhere to groupthink is pathetic.
  14. That speech took the same amount of time as his average sack dance.
  15. If you collected all the albums ever sold by Nirvana and piled them to the moon there still wouldn’t be enough team spirit to hold back Watt’s ego.
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