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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Tre White was the first piece. So important.
  2. If you’d didn’t already think we need to get rid of Skinner maybe this will convince you.
  3. The combination of Hyde, Poyer and White set a lot of things in motion.
  4. Oh crap. We got the wrong Josh again.
  5. Are you implying that Duck Dodgers isn’t better than Josh? That defies math itself you know.
  6. They even doubled down and hired douche junior for pre-game stuff. Only 45 more years of this.
  7. Although declined there was an absolutely absurd call against Sanders.
  8. Everything is Edmunds fault. Everything.
  9. Did the Jets change their helmets this year or am I just not remembering these piles of crap?
  10. Very sorry to hear this. RIP
  11. You’re probably right. Good points. It’s just the thought of getting rid of Skinner is soooooooo attractive.
  12. Instead of all this waiting for Eichel and possibly getting multiple firsts, a decent player and a decent prospect…..how about Eichel and Skinner for one first? Goff > Skinner.
  13. On Netflix: The Fundamentals of Caring. Simple, straightforward, an easy watch and really good.
  14. If we were shooting for wild card, losses to NFC teams help but we are shooting to win the division and it doesn’t mean as much there.
  15. You answered your own question. We’ve already played Wash but KC has yet to play GB.
  16. Based on the previous formula we would not have played Washington at all. It was an extra game.
  17. Are you saying footballs can defy the laws of physics?
  18. Incorrect. Washington was our extra game. We play the Jets at the end. You can’t be saying they are the extra game. We play them twice every year.
  19. That would be true if the ball had no length, but it does. The front edge of the ball can move halfway back but at some point the back end crosses the plane.
  20. 1. Football is a tough game and every game take somewhat of a toll 2. An extra game was added this year, this will take an extra toll 3. Our extra game was Washington and we played it thus our extra toll has been taken 4. KC and Tenn have not played their extra game.
  21. the extra game was added this year and ours was Washington. We played it. The Chiefs get the Packers on Nov 7 thus we’ll have played their extra game and they will not have.
  22. In every game players get nicked up. Player our extra game before we play KC is likely to have less players at 100%.
  23. Is that the song where they sing Kiss my grits?
  24. The schedule overall is formulaic. The “when” is not. We’ve played our extra game and KC has not.
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