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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Is Dan Arnold still available? I can’t find anything indicating otherwise. He is younger and cheaper than Ertz; and probably better at this point given Ertz age, injuries and attitude.
  2. Right and wrong. Beane is smart. He sees Gronk as still having something left. Gronk also only costs money. Ertz is more of a low odds roll of the dice. He had some good years but was always an incomplete player. He was a bad player in 2020. He requires money and Philly is asking for draft resources? He is probably just saying no thanks. Philly should be thrilled to get rid of the dead weight but they are overplaying their hand. Say la vee. I don’t think so but it seems plausible. He is a good tight end even at his age. If we’re interested in a bad TE like Ertz we’d probably be interested in a good one too.
  3. I agree depending on who is considered a big name. If anyone is willing to take Skinner it should be done yesterday. That contract is an albatross. A 4th rounder in 2096 would be about right.
  4. A great moment in sports. Richard Steele was a third great in that ring btw.
  5. I don’t hate Ertz. I don’t hate Josh Rosen either. They both stink though.
  6. Yesterday Ertz was Tony Gonzalez and now he is Randy Moss. Tune in tomorrow when he will be compared to Jerry Rice, Michael Jordan, and Wayne Gretzky.
  7. He is no longer a good player. Beane isn’t an idiot and won’t overpay for Ertz. He was the third best TE in a horrible team.
  8. Mr. WEO who is one of the resident Patriots fans. PatsfanNH is also in this thread. Anything remotely connected to the Pats awakens WEO from hibernation. His presence in this thread makes me think the Pats may be in on Watson.
  9. There is no need to poke the WEO bear, he is already awake and active in this thread.
  10. There is this show called Forensic Files. It’s cleverly done and there are lots of different actors and actresses. It’s supposed to be a mystery show but it always ends up being the spouse that did it. Weird show.
  11. Bad news everybody. Multiple WEO posts in short spans like this usually involve the Patriots. I think we had better brace ourselves for the trade.
  12. There are probably a lot more options but I can’t see how Watson, the Texans, or another team could possibly be staging this. The risk/reward if that were shown is waaaaaaaaaaay too high for any of the three to do that. Except maybe the Patriots because they are clearly allowed to do shady things.
  13. Settle down Kobe. Not all claims are false and sexual assaults come with a lot of complexities. That is not to say Watson should be assumed guilty. My initial read on this is that the lawyer is self aggrandizing and that law schools have lowered their standards when it comes to the written word.
  14. It’s very clear and spelled out. He said don’t bother trying to intimidate him because he is a marine. Im not sure it sounds all that on point but it is explained. His parents occupations though???????
  15. He had a horrific year, is old, washed up and has a terrible attitude. Plus he wants $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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