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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Not with a name like that he isn’t.
  2. Any updates on this or has math been declared the victor?
  3. Is that LaGrange thing named after ZZTopp? I think they had a space ship on their album cover?
  4. Short people are also outraged but who really cares?
  5. So if that exact play happened at the end of the Super Bowl and the ball is caught by a WR in the end zone that team would and should lose because they can’t advance a fumble? And tat wouldn’t be a big deal? Put another way: Control is a spectrum. The perfect QB with the maximum possible grip on the ball can drop it in a bucket 60 yards away. A slightly lower amount of control and the bucket gets knocked over. This QB was losing control of the ball when his arm started to move forward but had not lost all control because the ball had not left his hand and it ended up going forward. That can only be because his arm at some point began moving forward when he had some measure of control of the ball. That is physics and nothing else. If someone were to say he did not have “enough control” that is an entirely different statement. The judgement of that then becomes entirely subjective which I view negatively. It was not a shock to me that the judgement fell in Bama’s favor. If a Georgia player happened to be standing where the ball landed and caught it do you think it would have been called a reception or a fumble recovery?
  6. OMG in what direction was his arm moving? The sole purpose of fingers are to control things. Screen cap from three frames behind that and the arm is furthe back but moving forward still and the ball is deeper in his hand. Geez. How is it loose if he touched it 100% of the time? Now we’re changing the definition of loose I guess.
  7. I just asked a question. Do you care to answer? The dude had the ball in his hand. He never lost physical contact with the ball. He wanted the ball to go forward. The ball went forward. Would you say he controlled the ball?
  8. How do you “knock” a ball that never leaves your hand. Imagine that exact play in a Bills game with no time on the clock except we start on the opponents 6 yard line and Davis catches it in the end zone. We lose because you can’t advance a fumble. That’s the correct call huh? Better yet imagine that play at the end of a Super Bowl and the result being the team on offense losing. IYHO would that be the most controversial call in the history of sports?
  9. Did you see any air between his hand and the ball? He had it in his hand. If he lost control before his arm started coming forward, it either would have slipped out backward or separated from his hand or get batted. It certainly would not have traveled eightish yards on its own.
  10. Try at home to not move your arm forward but to throw a ball forward. Try it a billion times. Let us know how it goes.
  11. Lol the laws of physics even stand no chance against the refs favoring Bama. how can the ball go forward if his arm was not? And the ball moved forward how? Magic?
  12. Agreed. I thought it was great. Try “The Pharmacist” if you haven’t seen it. It’s a documentary about a specific aspect of the same thing…..OxyContin….although it starts with something else. It was great. Great. Having seen The Pharmacist it made me realize that the dramatized parts of Dopesick probably weren’t way off. What a tragedy this crisis has been.
  13. Are you guys aware that there were a lot of Canadians involved with this thing? That can’t be good. I watched a video on the project that I’m not allowed to post here because it prominently mentions a goal of the project being something that I’ve been told in this very thread is not part on the mission. I’m staying away from that topic but the Canadian thing makes me worried. Who knows though, space is almost as cold as Canada so maybe they brought something to the table.
  14. Diggs digs chick flicks?
  15. Watch and learn. I share your wish that the news about Webb is scientific.
  16. Lol. Go to Google right now and type in James Webb. Then do the same thing adding the word aliens. Every time Webb discovers something that can’t be immediately explained……and this should happen a lot……there will be articles speculating about aliens. Think “fast radio bursts on steroids”.
  17. Although I agree that really doesn’t matter. The news reports about Webb, after an initial grace period, will all be alien false starts. You’ll have to dig for the actual science and the false alien crapola will be endless.
  18. Then the countless years of being seen as a failure because despite many inevitable amazing scientific discoveries, it will discover zero evidence of intelligent aliens. Because there are none.
  19. I think Bengals over Chiefs is possible but think the real surprise is that the Ravens are going to beat the Rams.
  20. Coupled with being at such a low budget operation that he can’t even attend roadies.
  21. I didn’t know Sandra Boynton even had an alias.
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