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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I’d bet anything @Mike in Horseheads would love that show.
  2. I’m pretty sure Lance Lenoir is Superman’s arch nemesis.
  3. You didn’t mean it to be inflammatory. Lollllllllllllllllllllllllll.
  4. The loneliest man passed away last month. RIP https://www.newscientist.com/article/2276248-michael-collins-apollo-11-pilot-and-loneliest-man-ever-dies-aged-90/ Also:
  5. Spoiler alert: Skinner has always sucked and always been selfish. Because Taylor Hall had no issues whatsoever before he got to Buffalo and he spent so much time here.
  6. Spoiler alert: Skinner is bad at hockey so nothing is “turning around”.
  7. Among a multitude of other reasons. Technically, some “UFOs” are probably military experiments, but the idea that they are alien spacecraft is lunacy of the highest order.
  8. Bruno Sammartino had a Pittsburgh connection and he died.
  9. This place is slipping. Not a single person has asserted that this means Edmunds is done.
  10. I didn’t think Mr. Warrwrrwrowwrw stumbled too much at all, but to be fair, if you think he was mumbling, you have to take into account that he has to say his 13 w, 11 r name all the time. I’d mumble too.
  11. It used to be KC because of their fan base but.....although many like him....I think Andy Reid is a douche and some of the stuff they’ve done the last few years moved them off their perch for me. I’d say Vikings, Panthers from when Reich played there, and the Lions because geez. But nobody really.
  12. It would be interesting if the Sabres offered their entire roster plus draft picks to Seattle for Seattle’s draft picks plus their rights in the expansion draft. I can’t say I blame Eichel for his attitude but given that he was raised in Boston, part of me wonders if this passive aggressive public airing of grievances is just a douchey Boston thing. He is the best player on the team and supposed captain. He basically missed the whole year so I’m not sure he has much to complain about wrt on ice performance. The injury approach? Who knows, but he could be 100% correct. I don’t think it’s very cool that he said everyone sucked except his best friend Sam. I’m not sure that’s something a captain should really say. There were certainly more positives than that even if the overall results were awful. TIM MURRAY is the main root cause for all of this and may be the worst GM in the history of professional sports.
  13. Maybe the Bills aren’t interested. They usually aren’t interested in bums like Ertz so it would make sense.
  14. Never heard of the first guy but Billy Joe is overrated. Piano man and a bunch of other crap.
  15. Didn’t they draft that dude in like 1978? He’s not going to cut it.
  16. If they lose Ullmark to FA they really need to take a goalie. Ukka Pooka Sambuca ain’t going to cut it.
  17. Are you trying to transition this into a Josh bash? I can’t tell yet but is sort of looks that way. I mean we know that Tommy is the awesomest ever. Please leave Josh alone now that you’re done with Rodgers. Please worship Tom by bashing Mahomes, Herbert, Dak, Unitas, Elway and Marino before any Bills. Our poor little hearts can’t take it.
  18. He sucked before he was with the Sabres and if they can manage to rid themselves of him he’ll suck wherever he goes. He plays one of the least complete games imaginable. He has shown nothing indicating he wants to improve. He hangs out at the blue line waiting for the breakout pass. He hasn’t changed and the only fault the Sabres have is having signed him. He’s terrible. The minute he didn’t have Eichel spoon feeding him he was done scoring. He always sucked in every single other aspect of the game. It’s like a golfer who can one putt every green but takes 37 shots to get to the green. There are some incredible highlights but it doesn’t belong on the PGA tour.
  19. You’re right man, Beane is an utter failure. If we only had you as GM. Also, thanks for explaining how the 5th year option works. Did every GM who picked up a 5th this year fail or was it just Beane? Can players on other teams get hurt or only Edmunds?
  20. By your definition Brady hasn’t really performed well enough in Super Bowls. If Rodgers Super Bowl win was sub-par because he did not overcome a 3+ touchdown deficit, why are Brady’s 6 non-huge deficit comeback rings worth anything? Have you perhaps created a poor definition of things in your effort to run down Rodgers? I post about a lot of things. I was proven right about Luck unless you think he lived up to his “greatest prospect in generations” reputation. Do you? FWIW I agree that Rodgers is a whiny baby a la Zach Ertz and beyond but wouldn’t need to compare him to any one player to make my point. Brady is your favorite player and that is fine but dude he is not the center of the universe. I never mentioned Denver. I think there are a lot of people that haven’t. Do you think Denver could win the AFC if they traded for Brady?
  21. Honestly dude this thread is too easy for you because it is QB vs QB. Let’s see if you can face the challenge of turning the Tommy Doyle thread into the “why Tom Brady is the greatest human to ever walk the face of the Earth” thread. It doesn’t have to be Doyle, but make it a challenge, but the first name similarities give you a head start. Also acceptable would be extolling the virtues of Bellichick in the Sabres thread or something along those lines. If you want a challenge within this thread: Please refute the statement that 6 of Brady’s rings were insufficient because like Rodgers he did not come back from 28-3 deficits.
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