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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. Any alien signals detected yet or is math still math?
  2. Then maybe the cyclists should be aware of the condition and act with caution. Would that be too much to ask of these prima donnas?
  3. Most sporting events have barriers to keep the crowds out of the playing field. Once again, the cyclists are above reproach because their delicate psyches can’t handle it. The event organizers did not take proper precautions. A major part of any race is to watch where you are going but when it comes to cyclists, in a race or just out on the road being a douche, the ONLY rule is that nothing is ever their fault. What would have happened if a woodchuck were in the road?
  4. I saw it. The pedestrian was an idiot. The pedestrian was also……a pedestrian. These lunatic cyclists are NEVER at fault. Driving along winding roads with blind corners and getting hit by a car……car’s fault……same situation hitting a pedestrian…..pedestrian’s fault. Many of these cyclists have deep psychological issues as demonstrated by Lance Armstrong all the way down to the 225 pound weirdo from anywhere USA wearing some tight shirt as if he is sponsored. What would have happened if some woodchuck wandered into the road and 257 morons collided because of it? Let me guess…..woodchuck’s fault.
  5. Yes the guy with the sign was an idiot. Many cyclists on the road every day are idiots but that doesn’t stop them from whining about cars and asserting their rights to the road. Now when someone else, a pedestrian, has his rights to the road violated, once again the cyclists are the victims. They are always the victims.
  6. The spandex mafia is always quick to assert the equal rights on roads funded by and built for cars. When it comes to the pedestrian having the right of way, all that sails out the window. The articles said the guy holding the sign wasn’t looking but what about the bike douche?
  7. I’m not here to defend the Pegulas or anything about the recent history of the Sabres but perhaps we shouldn’t be looking at Eichel as if he were some sort of deity. He is a good hockey player and fun to watch but….. A number of players have come into Buffalo stating how much they look forward to playing with him. When they were gone I can’t recall one saying they’d miss playing with him. Hall, Staal, and ROR are just a few. The surgery he is seeking is either simply a ploy to get out of town or he is an absolute moron. Not one major athlete has ever undergone this treatment and his doctor is most likely a quack. If the Sabres doctors course of action proves fruitless surgery would still be an option. My guess is that if he is traded the new team will be no more enthusiastic about the surgery than Buffalo. It’s probably a ploy. Eichel is from Boston, a town filled with self aggrandizing, arrogant, immature people. You can take the kid out of Boston but maybe you can’t take the Boston out of the kid.
  8. Day 2 of TE University and Knox hasn’t flunked out yet. This has to be a good sign.
  9. Two Denver DBs in the top 50 NFL players. Jake Kumerow begs to differ.
  10. The “rest of the year” at GBCC probably means until July 15 as after that it is pretty much too cold to golf in GB.
  11. Elite. Lollllllllllllll. Unless 15 guys at each position qualify as elite, he never sniffed it. And he already came back from his injury and sucked out loud. He is actually “worth” more than $1 due to the vet minimum rule so I realize that anywhere he goes, they will pay him more than that. Butler is a DT and we drafted two DEs with a notion that each might be able to slide inside sometime in the future. Should we trade Tre White because we drafted Hamlin? They play different positions in the same general area too.
  12. Way to needlessly throw shade at Butler. And there is no discernible FMV for Ertz because guys that have declined from above average to bad normally can’t wrap their head around the corresponding decline in salary. Sherman is probably seeing similar although on a different scale than Ertz as he was/is far better.
  13. We already know that. But is it the guy from Styx?
  14. That’s a long quote from Ertz with the veiled whining over his contract. Post quote he went out there in 2020 and produced nothing. The deep analytics are cute but would be unnecessary if he had actually produced results. Look, he’s no Aaron Rodgers but there has been more drama around Ertz than the entire Bills team. No thanks.
  15. My evidence was an utter lack of hustle on a multitude of plays during games I watched. He looked like Jay Cutler running a route. Guys with good attitudes don’t do stuff like that. You might also be aware that players don’t always wear their helmets while on the sidelines. In those cases, their faces are indeed visible. IMO he is no longer a good player and IMO he would be a detriment to team chemistry, although I’m confident enough it what the Bills have built to not worry that he would ruin anything......he’d just suck.
  16. You weren’t watching Eagles games if you didn’t see the pouty face and attitude. And don’t excuse Ertz as part of the reason the Eagles were dysfunctional.... obviously it wasn’t all on him but he did not help. I think that Ertz will fail to produce for whatever team he ends up with. He’s toast. Your use of the word “incredible” is a little loose. Above average in the past is about right with an emphasis on in the past. Antonio Gates had incredible past performance. Should the Bills sign him? Are there any players out there who you think simply would not help the Bills in any way? If so, can you name the players who you’d sign anyway if they were only $1?
  17. 1. The “evidence” of the Bills interest is similar to the evidence of Ferris Bueller’s impending demise. Your girlfriend’s cousin’s uncle’s friend heard from a guy. Maybe this time it is true. 2. I witnessed Ertz pouty puss face and lack of effort with my eyes last year on several occasions. Did you miss it? He also missed a number of games injured. 3. It’s not my decision and I’m a Bills fan so whoever Beane signs...I’ll root for that guy. If it were my decision I wouldn’t be “on board” with signing Ertz for $1. That is not irrational, it is an opinion of Ertz’ impact on the team. A sign of a weak argument is calling someone with whom you disagree irrational. I don’t think you’re irrational. I just think you’re wrong. I do agree getting an upper tier TE could help the Bills. Getting an an always overrated, declining, whiny baby at any position will not help the Bills despite any name recognition or shiny object compulsions it might satisfy.
  18. Vegas odds. Lol. It is understandable Beane would want an elite tight end. If he wanted an elite car do you think he’d be hanging out at the Kia dealership? Do you think he’d buy a used Kia that had a flat tire and bad brakes? At least cars can’t have crap attitudes like Ertz. At this point in his career he requires the same amount of game planning as the kid who runs onto to the field to pick up the tee after a kickoff. Shirley you can’t be serious comparing Ertz to Diggs. That’s a joke right?
  19. Why is zero interest out? Because a bunch of reporters and fans are speculating? One thing I’ve noticed about Beane is that he doesn’t typically target whiny crybabies who have not only been unproductive lately but have also been injury prone and detrimental to team chemistry. But hey, there are exceptions to every rule so maybe.
  20. Another possibility is that the Bills have zero interest in Ertz because he blows.
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