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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. I agree although my guess is that the guy just didn’t look and was thinking about passing the car in front of him. It was stupid but possibly unintentional. Either way, charges are appropriate. The spandex mafia in that city had evidently gone to the lengths necessary to create their own special path on a busy thoroughfare….at great expense to taxpayers no doubt. Despite this, they were still subject to the laws of physics. A stupid and/or malicious driver behind the wheel of an SUV has a physical advantage in a collision. The cuties in their outfits won’t be truly happy until physics itself disappears. There may be hope though. According to PFF the Bills and Josh Allen have already foiled math itself.
  2. Isn’t one guy throwing around silly British colloquialisms enough for this board? You have to start in now too?
  3. Once I realized that there isn’t a rule that you have to build on the prior word…..in other words use all available information from above….it became too easy. The second day I did it I lost because I thought that was a rule. I was “lucky” and had four greens after two guesses. I then whiffed on four straight consonants that created words. Nerdle is similarly easy but more fun to me for some reason.
  4. Whiny crybabies in cute outfits shouldn’t get different rules.
  5. Spandex mafia gets their way again. Aren’t they special?
  6. With the possible exception of Moss, I don’t think any of them have a high enough profile to generate the bash volume required to even approach Edmunds level. Maybe Shaq I guess. Edit: Plus with Edmunds we get the added feature of people misspelling his simple last name. How can this be done with Moss or Lawson. Sure Haack is easy to misspell but he is a punter.
  7. Thought experiment: Start a thread about Seattle’s OL and the impact the USFL could have on it. Before the end of page one there will be something explaining why an Edmunds trade comes into play. Any topic will work. If you prefer to start on off the wall try a thread on favorite pasta dishes……Edmunds bash. On PPP a thread on world hunger can transform into an Edmunds bash three posts. The real question is once Edmunds is traded, cut, leaves in FA or retires a Bill in 2034, who will be the next bashomatic? It’s too early to tell in 2034 but if he left soon, and with Beasley gone, prime candidates are Dawkins, Milano, maybe Oliver.
  8. You cited the 5 of 2557 thing, not me. Is it meaningful? Who are the other 4?
  9. I love how they say he is 5 of 2557 on RAS but don’t bother mentioning the top 4, which would have been easy. Are any of them any good?
  10. The team is on the right track. That phrase doesn’t mean what you think it means. Is there a guarantee that this or any team will stay on the right track? No.
  11. You’re excoriating people for using the phrase “on the right track”. What is the point of that?
  12. Were your expectations going in to 21/22 that the team would be a finished product by 22/23.? Because your whining seems to indicate just that. If you can’t see the development taking place right in front of you this year I don’t know what to say. Is Tage better? Cozens? Dahlin? Are Tuch and Krebs viable? Has team camaraderie improved? Is their body language improved? Are the games more fun to watch? All of the above indicate that they are indeed on the right track but sure…… losing a game to Florida proves your point I guess. If you were to say “there is a lot of track left and they have to stay on the right one”……sure. But to deny that they look different or to imply that things have moved forward is silly.
  13. Fair enough. I think you meant Jason Peters right? For the record I’m not steadfastly for or against any specific position being an early pick for the Bills. BPA I guess. If I wanted I could probably make an argument for or against any position except the obvious ones like punter, etc. What I’m not a fan of is the pick a player to call the problem stuff that goes on around here. Obviously Edmunds is the main evil villain member of the Bills and we need Batman to capture him and lock him up for good but I’m a bit surprised that Dawkins is now also a member of the axis. Both of these guys are clearly a big part of the locker room cohesion and the locker room cohesion is clearly a big part of our success but sure let’s unceremoniously dump them. My own preference would be something that brings immediate help without sacrificing long term viability because I think we’re close. I do think we could use a corner that way if Beane sees one but with the way salaries are going it seems to me if a WR is there…….
  14. So you can’t think of a single guy that accomplished the described feat since one who was drafted in 2008? One of these guys comes along every fourteen years? And you haven’t noticed any differences at all in NFL offenses since 2016? Awesome. And it should be our draft strategy to find one of the 14 year guard tackles early? Solid. Anything to avoid picking a corner since corners are jerks and should not be allowed in the NFL.
  15. He said modern. Didn’t Albert block for a guy Ronald Reagan played in a movie? That’s not modern.
  16. It’s not impossible for things to stall or run into bad luck like injuries but the naked eye can see this team has the beginnings of something and is doing things the right way. A key acquisition or three, a little time and we’re on our way.
  17. I hate to break it to you but your Pats don't look like they will be too hard to catch unless you think Parker will unleash Mac. You're a bit guilty of homerism here even though I tend to agree that the fish won't be all that the moves make them think they are.
  18. Somewhere Eichel thinks all that cheering emanating from Buffalo is for him.
  19. Awesome night. I’m so glad they won. This season has been a success period. Okposo is a class act. Make Tuch captain next year.
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