I sort of do that but not exactly. Wherever I park, I park. If it is close to the return shed or if it is far away, I shove the cart at the shed. I’ve gotten really good at it, even from long distances. Everybody wins. Well unless some jerk isn’t paying attention. One time I shot the cart from probably 75 yards. I had to send it between two parked cars and account for the slope of the lot and the one misaligned wheel that pulled the cart to the left. My shot was perfect. I mean perfect. The cart was definitely going in the tent and might have even folded into another cart that was already there. It would have probably been my third best all time shot…….until……some bozo who wasn’t watching it as it went between the two parked cars just kept driving down the row. The cart emerged, he hit it and it went tumbling along in the parking lot at a pretty high speed. It got airborne for a second or two. It almost hit a mom and a baby in a carriage. The guy got out of the car and looked around confused. The mom almost had a heart attack and was screaming and made a big scene. Drama queen. Suggestion: If you’re going to have kids you’ll want to protect them so pay attention. The cart was wrecked but the guy seemed more worried about the dent in his precious car. Some people are just jerks. I don’t like going to that store anymore because people are jerks like that. Sometimes I go anyway because the wobbly carts are challenging.