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Everything posted by 4merper4mer

  1. He should stop thinking every two seconds then. Because when he thinks longer he rates Duck Dodgers higher than Josh Allen. Actually he hires people that do that.
  2. McD was disappointed all camp because he told Beane to draft Shakira and Beane effed up. She was going to be an effective decoy.
  3. Lol way to battle intolerance and sweeping generalizations with intolerance and sweeping generalizations.
  4. Is it the serial killer vibe that makes you say that?
  5. This should have been the most obvious trait of the entire saga from the outset, yet enclaves of posters and reporters held the expectation that Brandon Beane could and should get to the whole truth in a matter of a few days. Now that it gets cloudier and cloudier, the whining and foot stomping have disappeared. I’m not sure about the posters, but you can be sure that the next time something like this happens, no matter the underlying topic, Tim Graham and the like will be perched back atop their high horses. For now, they has dismounted and the steeds are back in the stable.
  6. Jan 2022
  7. Can I make a request for a specific Pats* game we played at home when that time comes around?
  8. Topic: Rainbows Challenge:: Please give a review of the above with the negative skew you normally apply to the Bills.
  9. Current team was the request. There are 31 other teams. You picked one team from 3 years ago who subsequently spent a first on an RB. So you say you have evidence from other teams yet you can’t cite a single one? Where’s the evidence? An opinion is fine but if you say it’s backed up by evidence then discuss the evidence.
  10. @ScottLaw Has not answering this made it easier for you to continue to whine?
  11. Everything is easy. And saying law enforcement is doing “literally nothing” is probably a touch inaccurate. Do you have numbers about how many DNA kits, rape case or otherwise have been processed in recent years? Do you think that number is growing or shrinking? I don’t have numbers but a bet on the number having grown rapidly is a pretty safe one. In an ideal world they are all processed in 10 minutes but in case you haven’t looked around we are not living in an ideal world. You are correct that they won’t all lead to conviction but you’re also correct that some will. Ascribing a simple solution to something even though a simple solution does not exist is a lazy thing to do. Does that tape indicate anything to you that there may be some issues wrt to morality that may impact the number of rapes and other crimes that take place to begin with? That level of unfettered debauchery is not a precursor to a lot of book clubs or pickle ball leagues. And no I’m not blaming the victim….and no raising children is not an easy thing…..and no….no matter what she did or how bad of a position she put herself into she did not deserve in any way what happened to her that night. But to pretend it’s all because cops don’t test enough rape kits or that that is even a major factor in the number of rapists on the street is not a well informed opinion.
  12. Do you actually think that faster processing of rape kits will solve everything and eradicate rapists from our streets? Don’t get me wrong, I agree that faster processing, as long as accuracy standards are maintained, is desirable, but to ascribe results like you have done above is inaccurate. 50-ish years ago, DNA analysis didn’t even exist. It has clearly help solve many cases of all types…..rape, murder, everything……determining guilt and sometimes proving innocence. It is one of many ways crimes are solved, I’ll use video surveillance as another example that wasn’t really around until fairly recently. There are many. Evidence in a chain has to be maintained properly…..remember OJ? Processing has to be accurate. It is my impression….possibly incorrect…..that there are skills involved in DNA analysis aren’t easy to come by and thus there is a backlog. Technicians don’t grow on trees. Should we have them work 24/7? Should we put cameras in every wall of everyone’s home and record everything they do? That could be a solution and might even be less expensive. What could go wrong? All the DNA tests in the world are not going to prevent parties like the one on that film from happening and 17 year old girls showing up. That’s another problem altogether.
  13. But we should be happy Tim Graham and the mob expect Beane to get to the truth in a week or so. That way they can get lots of clicks and prove that they are the most virtuous people on the planet.
  14. The tape, if that girl in it is really the victim, makes this story even sadder……somehow. Yes she made an error in judgement attending that party. In an odd way it displays how everyone’s guard was down, because it was a chaotic rah rah party atmosphere with everyone seeming carefree and friendly. Clearly this was not the actual case. It’s awful beyond words. To me, in an environment like that it seems more plausible than before that something horrific like what she described happened. A few people in a massive crowd, with an evil plan whether premeditated or executed on the spur of the moment. Disgusting. I imagined…..not sure why…..a party that was a lot different than that hellscape. Does that make it more or less likely that if she was indeed thrown into a room to get raped that Araiza was the one who did that? I’m not sure how anyone could think it helps prove either side’s story. On the one hand he has apparently confirmed his presence and his attorney has stated….I haven’t see this but others on here have…..that Araiza had consensual sex with her, which connects them. On the other, it sure seems to me that a lot of things about that night would be cloudy in someone’s memory. If she was filmed before meeting Araiza, it shows her already impaired, if she was filmed after, it calls her story into question completely. To me, it exposes both lawyers as liars….beyond being the idiots that they have already shown themselves to be. This is the least surprising aspect of seeing the tape. I could have guessed it already. I’m wondering how the “Beane should have acted more quickly” crowd feels after watching this tape. Beane stated he was trying to get to the truth in order to do the right thing, The assertion of several on here is that he could have easily gotten to the heart of the matter by employing more “investigation resources”….you know, call around to some witnesses and get the straight scoop…..easy peasy. I’m wondering now if they see what a joke their premise was. I don’t expect much but more descriptions of how Beane should have gone about his job and turned over all the stones. Yeah ok.
  15. Can you name a current team that meets your standards for success as an overall team, success at the RB position and an RB stable which has had a proper amount of resource expenditure?
  16. Not only is he an idiot, he’s an idiot who is going to burn a boatload of money.
  17. Oh my God to they watch things before putting them on air? A second chance and some deep pockets for her idiot lawyer. ABCWTF
  18. Lots of ways to sneak him into the roster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6BP8fexNXw
  19. It says an increase of 127,978 people which doesn’t sound like a lot but all of them are Canadian.
  20. You can read through the whole thread but you won’t find anyone able to explain why either lawyer is acting the way they are acting. Both of them are all over the floor. There are lots of arguments and opinions in here but I have not seen a single person that thinks either lawyer seems competent. Maybe I missed one but most seem to agree the lawyers are idiots. Your speculation about the victim wanting consequences instead of money is as good as any other speculation and personally, it makes sense to me especially from her perspective. It doesn’t line up however with some other things the lawyer has said. At one point he started calling the Bills enablers, which may suggest trying to cast a wider financial net. I don’t think anyone has even tried to make sense of some of the stuff her lawyer has done. I don’t disagree, just reporting what he is saying. I do find it somewhat believable that he answered a question without actually listening to it because he is a moron.
  21. Although I agree with your overall assessment of both attorneys, this lawyer did later correct himself claiming he misunderstood the “before the draft” portion of the question.
  22. The copying is annoying I suppose but they are also creating new Canadians. That’s a real problem.
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