That video proves to me that it would have been very difficult for the Buffalo Bills to get to the truth of the matter in a couple of days/weeks. It was utter chaos and expecting a football team’s investigation staff/contractors to determine all the answers in a short window was always a standard well beyond reasonable. Yet the Tim Grahams of the world portrayed it as simple, while also citing lawyer’s assertions as “direct quotes from Araiza”.
The underlying story/case is one where the whole truth may never be known' yet the Bills are the villains for not knowing. Those reporters are a joke.
Clearly the case itself is more important than football and I agree with your that the tape proves nothing about what she said later or what did or did not happen to her. Unfortunately, it is likely to be used as part of a “short skirt” defense and if it proves effective it won’t be the first time. Sadly there is a risk that a gang rape occurred but won’t be able to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.